Benefits of Bariatric Surgery for Diabetic Renal and Retinal Disease

Obese people have a higher risk of developing diabetes compared to a healthy body weight people. People who have central obesity, abdominal obesity and belly fat are at risk of developing diabetes. Obesity with diabetes is serious chronic diseases related to complex metabolic dysfunctions that increase the risk of mortality and morbidity. Approximately 75% of deaths each year are mainly associated with obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, which are preventable with better treatment. Surgery should be an accepted solution in people who have diabetes and with a BMI of 35 to 40. Many weight loss methods are focused on reducing the amount of fat in the body.

There is apparent evidence that Bariatric surgery is a very useful treatment for obese people with diabetes. Bariatric surgery will improve micro vascular complications in diabetes patients and protect against blindness and renal problem.Bariatric surgery must be performed within approved national and international guidelines. This needs appropriate assessment for the procedure, medical care, follow-up, patient training, clinical review and also safe and effective surgical procedures. By reducing excess pounds will also reduce the risk of heart attack, kidney failure and retinal damage, along with other health benefits related to diabetes.  

After Bariatric surgery,about 68% of patients experience a complete remission of their diabeteswhilein some patients, diabetes will disappear immediately or within days of surgery.There are some potential benefits of bariatric surgery for diabetes such as,

·         Helps patients with diabetes normalize their blood sugar level without using diabetes medications.

·         Improves lipid profile.

·         Reduces the micro vascular problems of diabetes like renal and retinal disease.

·         Improves the insulin sensitivity and glucose level.

·         Decreases retinal related problems.

·         Improves renal function and also decreases further renal complications.

·         Lessens the need for antihypertensive medication.

·         Decreases morbidity and mortality.

·         Improves the quality of life.

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11. January 2013 12:29 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Depression After Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery carries a variety of procedures performed on those who are overweight. Weight loss is achieved by lessening the size of the stomach with a gastric band or removing a small portion of the stomach and re-routing the digestive system to a small stomach pouch. All weight loss surgeries intension is making you eat less. Weight loss surgeries can definitely change a person’s life for better, but you may experience a few emotional feelings before and after surgery. The surgery can result in significant weight-loss, improves overall health and also minimize the chance of obesity related deaths, even thoughsome research shows that individuals who have weight loss surgery usually experience with depression and anxiety. Losing weight needs both the physical and mental strength.

Another study found that one third of patients with no depression before surgery can develop depression after the surgery.Depression after weight loss surgery is quite common and depression symptoms may worsen in some people who have  expectedunrealistic resultafter the surgery. Also suicide rates after surgery are higher than for the obese people who did not have surgery. Nobody knows the specific link between weight loss surgery and the increased rate of suicide, but many things will help to elevate the feeling of depression and stress after the surgery. Find healthy ways to minimize the depression and stress after surgery.

Here are some tips for avoiding depression after weight loss surgery:

·         Maintain your weight with exercises and also by eating a healthy diet. Participate in cultural activities and exercise regularly, if possible do walking, bicycling and swimming are all good ways to alleviate depression.

·         Have a positive attitude. People who have positive attitudes fight with the disease better and lead healthier lives.

·         Do not expect unrealistic results after surgery.

·         Get rid of anger. Try to have a stress management control class to know techniques to prevent long standing angry feelings.

·         Do not take anything too serious and stay motivated.

·         Professional counseling is required for everyone who is suffering from several repeating signs and symptoms of depression, that includes suicide, decreased enjoyment in everyday activities and long term emotions like anxiety, frustration and regret.

·         Use prescribed medications after the surgery. It will give a boost to you during your recovery.

Nowadays many medical centers that performed the weight loss surgery can suggest their patients to a psychologist who have experience in treating patients with weight related emotional disorders. They provide prescription antidepressants, therapy sessions and organizations proven methods for treating depression. Your doctor will help to decide the best treatment for weight loss related depression.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

17. December 2012 17:36 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Healthy Child Birth after Weight Loss Surgery

A research at Laval University found that babies born to women after weight loss surgery have few cardiovascular risks when compared with their siblings born before the weight loss surgery. This happens due to the metabolic changes and also the weight loss surgery has good impact on the inflammatory diseases.  Weight loss surgery for a mother affects the genes of the child and leads to several diseases and risks. Researches on bariatric surgery by Laval University revealed that children born to mothers who undergo bilio pancreatic operation will have less chances of obesity and they will also have good insulin resistance and the child will have lower risk of cardiovascular disease and the blood pressure will be normal.

The research was carried out by taking the blood samples of 25 children who were born to mothers before the bilio pancreatic surgery and the blood samples from other 25 children who were born to mothers after the bilio pancreatic surgery. The body mass index of the mothers was 45 before the surgery and BMI was 27 after the surgery on an average. The DNA was tested by a special tool from the blood samples taken from the mothers and their children in order to find out the changes caused in genes by the process called methylation. When tested, it was found that the methylation levels were unlike in both the children, the children who were born to mothers after the surgery and the children born to the mothers before the surgery. Research revealed that 5500 genes were different in the children who were born before and after the surgery to the mothers. There will be very high impact on the children born to the mother after the surgery and there will be great effect on the metabolic rates and methylation levels.

Basically the research tells that maternal obesity will affect the obesity of the child and also increases the cardiovascular risk.

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27. August 2012 15:42 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Why Bariatric Surgery Is The Solution For Obesity?

Obesity has increased a lot nowadays. Most of the people whom you meet are facing the trouble with obesity and are trying for different surgical options available in the market to deal with obesity. People who are facing issues with obesity are trying for various surgeries and various weight loss treatments but for many, lap band surgery is one of the best logical solutions. According to the nationwide research report, people who weight more than 100 pounds are increasing day-by-day and the percentage of these people is 70. Whatever might be the reason the severely obese people number is growing very rapidly when compared with the moderately obese people.

As the benefits of bariatric surgery increased, many people chose bariatric surgery for weight loss. A recent study proved that 20,000 people who reduced weight by bariatric surgery also reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Researches and studies proved that there are many positive benefits of different weight loss surgeries and there is a very great and permanent result for the obese people by the bariatric surgery. As number of obese people is increasing day by day the bariatric surgeries and weight loss treatments are also increasing.

Lap band surgery is an invasive technique and most preferred surgery for weight loss. This surgery uses a small laparoscopic camera. The laparoscopic camera is placed with a band near the area where the weight loss treatment is required and then the bariatric surgery is done. The surgery should be carried out with a well-known experienced weight loss surgeon. As no two patients will be alike, the doctor should have good knowledge on the surgery and good experience to carry out the surgery appropriately. After the surgery, the diet should be taken as suggested by the doctor and all the precautions should be taken as suggested by the surgeon. Lap band surgery gives good results when treated by a good doctor and when all the suggestions given by the doctor are followed by the patient.

 Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

13. August 2012 14:27 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery Doesn’t Raise the Fracture Risk

According to new study, obese people who have undergone the weight-loss surgery, like gastric band or gastric bypass, are not in the risk of broken bones in first few years after having the surgery. But 3 to 5 years after this surgery, these patients may have an increased risk of fractures.

Surgical treatment is a very effective method to lose excess weight for many obese people. However, for few years after the surgery these outcomes are reassuring for the patients; but influence on the skeletal health cannot be excluded for lifetime.

From previous studies, the weight loss surgery alone has been shown to diminish the bone density of patient, as the surgery is linked to the loss of bone density.

From new studies, researches compared the broken bones rate among people who had weight loss operation with similar age groups of same sex, body mass index and age who didn’t have surgery; here body mass index is the fat measurement of the body based on weight and height.

From these new studies, broken bones risk is not much higher even after 3 years of their surgery for people who had the weight loss surgery previously. This risk is inched upwards from 3 to 5 years after having the surgery, and people who have more significant loss in their BMI had higher risk for the fractures, that the researchers noted.

Obesity is the increasing health problem, which affects so many people worldwide. It has been recognized that the surgery is the effective method to weight loss for so many individuals with morbid obesity. For first few years after having surgery, these outcomes are reassuring for the patients; however do not completely exclude negative effect on the skeletal health. But the researchers concluded that, at least in the short term changes in the bone density are not leading to the fracture risk.

For morbid obese people, undergoing weight loss surgery can bring a new turn in their life towards healthy lifestyle habits. But before considering any kind of surgery, make sure to consult an experienced weight loss or bariatric surgeon.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

7. August 2012 12:47 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery And Substance Abuse

Weight loss surgery helps obese in trenching unhealthful food habits. However, the latest studies put forward these people at times step into a rebound relationship by way of other things like cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

The survey conducted on 120 patients who have undergone bariatric surgery found that 50 percent of the patients are seen of substance abuse after two years of the procedure.

Lot of people, who underwent bariatric surgery settle by way of eating in retort to dissimilar emotional cues, says Alexis Conason a lead of obesity nutrition centre in a study circulated in the records of surgery at New York.

Patients having the habit of smoking and drinking before surgery noticed to be consuming more after two years of the procedure. Moreover, a report says one in twenty five patients used recreational drugs prior to the surgery, one in 8 said that they used two years afterwards.

Few of the experts think that the reason for substance use may be associated with the lifestyle changes and social activities.

Another study conducted on morbidly obese group is publicly isolated. After undergoing surgery, the patients not only turn out to be mentally healthy but also physically healthy and at time become social. They happily go on dates and parties that might include social alcoholic drinks. 

Alcohol consumption percentage was low among the patients earlier to surgery. Possibly, after surgery, the regularity of alcohol intake is increased.

The substance abuse among the bariatric patients is more after two years of the surgery. The first two years are very crucial in recovery after surgery, following a strict guidelines is needed to maintain good health and adjusting to emotions and bonding with their new fangled body.

The time length required for follow up may vary from patient to patient and their personal condition. The patients having alcohol trouble like excess drinking habits and it obstructs responsibility of family and work. If these kinds of issues occur, talk to a mental health care professional and doctors or seek advice through bariatric support. These patients need regular monitoring. 

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

30. July 2012 11:34 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery May Reduce Alcohol Cravings

Weight loss surgery not only reduces the excess weight of a patient, and also diminishes their admiration for alcohol, which is founded by researchers.

The gastric bypass surgery is one, which involves the stomach stapling in order to remain a small pouch on the top of the stomach that is then connected to small intestines. Then most of the food bypasses the original stomach and also a bit of the intestine too. Significantly this will reduce the food intake.

From recent researches, it is found that those who had weight loss surgery reported drinking lesser alcohol after having the surgery as compared to before. But it is limited only for the Roux-en-Y surgery.

The researchers also performed this research afterwards on rats, and found that the rats also stopped having alcohol afterwards.

But sudden drop in the alcohol consumption may lead to down in a hormone that is GLP-1. When the partly digested items hits the middle portion of the small intestine that is jejunum, then GLP-1 can be produced. This hormone will switch on the production of the insulin, which is necessary in lowering the blood glucose levels. After having the Roux-en-Y surgery, this portion of the small intestine can become much closer to stomach, which causes it to be exposed to the much higher nutrients level that normally would be.

The extra GLP-1 may influence cravings. This hormone will play a major role in limiting the food that we eat. GLP-1 will travel through blood in order to get the brain, from where it can think to stimulate abhorrence to food.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

1. June 2012 09:18 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Recovery After Bariatric Surgery

The quickest wayfor obese people to lose their weight is by undergoing the bariatric surgery. Being obese can result in several health risks to a person. This procedure is helpful for people who are obese to attain the balanced weight.

Remember that weight loss surgery is not a complete cure but it is a tool to help them to reduce the excess body weight. By adhering to these follow-up tips, recovering from surgery can be quicker and less complicated.

In home:

You must be comfortable in your home. Remember not to lift or carry anything more than 20 pounds for first 6 weeks. Participate in daily activities. Shower very carefully. If your skin becomes red around staples don't worry, call the doctor if redness becomes severe or if you're experiencing drainage or pain.

Adjust Your Dietary Habits:

Pay close attention to the daily diet as this is very important in the process of recovery. Quantity of your food will be restricted significantly as compared to the normal consumption. During first few weeks after having the surgery you can have only liquids. Once you have slowly started consuming solid foods, you should be aware of the micro and macronutrients.

Change the Exercise Routine:

With the help of your physician's approval gradually start the exercise routine after you have healed adequately. Over time, your own physical fitness routine should develop to approximately 2.30 hours of activity for every week.

Routine Follow-up Visits to Healthcare Provider:

In order to ensure your overall wellbeing in the first critical months following bariatric surgery, ensure to visit your doctor frequently. You should undergo the blood testing for every 3 months to monitor your glucose, blood count, and creatinine levels. In order to find any nutritional deficits, you should undergo the blood testing for every 6 months.

30. January 2012 16:30 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

It is a non-reversible surgery and is performed under general anesthesia and needs 1-2 hours. It needs one or two days hospital stay. The recovery after gastric sleeve surgery takes few weeks time.

Your abdomen becomes swollen and sore for few days. The surgeon may suggest pain medicines to reduce the discomfort. There will be some scarring that can be covered with clothing.

After the surgery, you should be very careful about your eating habits and the solid foods you are consuming. For first few weeks, you need to stick to the liquid diet, then semi solid foods, then pureed foods and finally you can start with solid foods.

People who have undergone the surgery may lose 50-80 percent of the excess body weight for the first six months or up to one year. Several studies proved that people after undergoing the gastric sleeve surgery may get improvements in their diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea within one or two years. All these health improvements are comparable with the other weight loss surgeries.

Since, gastric sleeve is a totally new surgery, there is a limited data available on long-term weight loss or upon any other health improvements. After the surgery recovery, you will notice certain lifestyle changes and essential follow-up care. People who have gastric sleeve surgery should follow:

  • Regular exercise
  • Some behavioral modification techniques
  • Specific dietary guidelines for the rest of the life, such as:

a. Eat slowly and eat small quantities each time consuming the food
b. Chew thoroughly and swallow the food only when it is mashed
c. Also, not eating and drinking the food at the same time

3. December 2011 09:16 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Sexual Life after Weight Loss Surgery

Obese women and men who lose significant amount of weight after weight loss surgery may have more satisfying sex than in their past life. Obesity can cause various problems in men and women that can greatly affect their sexual life. So, undergoing weight loss surgery may help in enhancing their sexual life.

For obese men, shortness of breath and erectile dysfunction can greatly affect their sexual life. Obese men after undergoing a weight loss surgery, they have increased levels of testosterone that can benefit during the intercourse.

For obese women, estrogen is stored in the fat. These women after undergoing a weight loss surgery feel an increase in their libido.

Weight loss and declining BMIs in men who had the surgery were directly linked with increases in all measures of testosterone levels, declines in levels of the female sex hormone estradiol and improvements in self-reported sexual quality of life.

The physical, physiological and psycho emotional changes which occur following weight loss surgery can have positive effects on the person's sexual life.

20. November 2011 07:24 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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