Vitamin Deficiency after Bariatric Surgery

In Gastric Bypass Surgery the small bowel section is bypassed. Most of the vitamins are absorbed by this small bowel only. With this surgery, stomach is divided into small pouches and some part of the stomach may be removed. It often provides permanent changes to the gastrointestinal system. Which may leads to vitamin deficiency and nutritional consequences.

Common Mineral and vitamin Deficiencies after bariatric surgery includes:

1. Vitamin B12

2. Iron

3. Calcium

4. Vitamin A

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin B12: For healthy activity of the nervous system and brain, vitamin B12 is essential. Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to neurological disorders and pernicious anemia. Vitamin B12 is available in poultry, meat, egg, fish and milk products, but all these are not acceptable in starting months after the surgery. Even though vitamin B12 supplements are recommended for life long after the bariatric surgery. It is better to take the supplements in the form of injection and liquid instead of pill. It has to be swallowed so the absorption may be imperfect which may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency.

Iron: Transportation of oxygen from lungs to the blood stream can be done by Iron. This vitamin is available in seafood, meat and poultry. Organ meat and red meat are excellent for iron in diet. After the surgery, some patients never retain the ability of tolerating this food. Depending on the sex and age of the person, Iron Supplements are necessary after the Surgery. It can be taken in the form of pill. If the deficiency of iron is severe, frequent iron transfusions may require.

Calcium: It is essential for the proper functioning of cells. Such as muscle contraction, blood clotting, cellular communication and enzyme reactions. It gives strength to the teeth and bones. Calcium deficiency occurs after bypass surgery due to bypassing the duodenum in the process of surgery.

To fulfill the calcium requirement in the body, supplements are necessary. But the calcium supplement type is very important. Vitamin D with calcium citrate is a preferred form after the bariatric surgery. Mostly calcium supplements are available in the form of grocery stroes, pharmacies, and calcium carbonate, but they are not absorbed as much after surgery and should avoid.
Vitamin A: It contains retinoid which are essential for the visual activity, cell proliferation and immunological functioning. It is available from liver, green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes. Vitamin A deficiency may lead to xerosis, night blindness, imperfect immunity.

Vitamin D: Need of phosphorus and calcium in the body can be regulated by Vitamin D. For the absorption of the calcium in the body, Vitamin D is necessary. Vitamin D deficiency can cause osteoporosis. It is available in milk products, tuna and samon.Vitamin D levels can be increased by sunlight.

At the time of bariatric surgery, small intestine is bypassed which absorbs the majority of calcium which may leads to vitamin D deficiency postoperatively.

Other than these Vitamin E, thiamin, selenium deficiencies may also occur after the surgery.

22. December 2011 20:08 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Roux-En-Y gastric Bypass Surgery

Roux-en-y gastric Bypass Surgery is one of the most effective surgeries used for weight loss in the most obese people, it is a very standard method to decrease fat in the stomach. Gastric bypass surgery is a group of identical operations. First it separates the stomach into a much larger remnant pouch and a small upper pouch. After that, both the pouches can be re-arranged by connecting to the small intestine. There are several types of Gastric Bypass surgery procedures depending on the method used to reconnect the small intestine.

In normal gastrointestinal system, most of the calories can be absorbed by the small intestine because the food taken by the person can directly enters into the small intestine through the stomach, after that it will enters in to colon or large intestine and remaining waste can be eventually excreted. By using Roux-en-y gastric Bypass Surgery, stomach pouch with an egg size can be created by using small part of stomach; this smaller stomach can be directly connected to the jejunum, the middle part of small intestine, bypassing the duodenum which is the upper part of small intestine and remaining portion of the stomach. The entire procedure can be done by an open procedure or laparoscopic approach.

Roux-en-y gastric Bypass Surgery decreases the size of the stomach, so it can’t absorb more calories, simultaneously majority part of the stomach will be sealed off. This procedure limits the ability of the body to absorb excess food and calories. This surgery can be done through open surgery or laparoscopic approach.

Laparoscopic surgery is also called as minimal invasive surgery. Rather than open procedure which uses one large incision, it involves many small incisions. By giving normal anesthesia to the, to see more with laparoscopic camera and to move organs into the abdomen a harmless air or gas can be introduced, then only surgeon can do the work in a large space. Through a trocar or a small hollow tube, a small or laparoscopic camera is inserted into the incision. Through this technique, surgeon can see the images of the operation site on a screen. The same performance can be acquired by an open procedure which uses lengthy narrow surgical tubes, they can be inserted into rest of the small incisions through other trocars.


1. Long lasting success.

2. It is a good operation for the persons who like sweets.

3. Lose more weight compared to the other procedures.

4. Good solution for obesity related Health problems.

5. By losing the overweight, person’s confidence may increase.


1. Recovery time is very long.

2. Hernia, kidney problems, problems in gallbladder, and ulcers may occur.

3. Incision infection can possible after this surgery.

4. Over eating may cause vomiting.

So, before undergoing any kind of weight loss surgery, make sure to consult an experienced weight loss surgeon.

16. December 2011 20:43 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Cutting Carbs from The Diet Can Encourage Weight Loss

According to new study, cutting carbohydrates from the diet for at least two days a week can encourage weight loss.

Also, researchers found that women who particularly cut carbs from their diet for two days and eating normally for the remaining days of the week have dropped about 9 pounds on average when compared to the women who cut 1500 calories every day from the diet.

Some studies proved that limiting the carbohydrate intake has the similar effects that are shown from restricting the energy. Low-carb diet helps people to lose weight because it allows people to still eat foods that are satisfying and fulfilling.

Researchers are now trying to find a low-carb diet that will be easier for women because obesity and the changes it brings to a woman’s body can increase the risk of breast cancer. So, losing weight can decrease the risk of breast cancer. Family history of breast cancer can also increase its incidence.

The doctors recommend that this something that every obese individual should try at home. Just you need to considerably cut down the carbohydrate intake for two days a week and the only thing is you need to eat sensibly for the rest of the week.

For the two days on which you are on low-carb diet should eat healthy protein and healthy fat, but avoid eating pasta, bread, root vegetables like carrots, parsnips and potatoes. For the low-carb days, you can eat one piece of fruit. Some other foods you can eat include: nuts, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, and eggplant.

Even you don’t experience any results with the diet or any other techniques, you can consult a weight loss surgeon to know about the better options.

9. December 2011 03:38 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

The Cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery

The cost of gastric bypass surgery depends on several factors, such as the location, the surgeon, and also the duration of the surgery. Generally the cost varies between $18,000 and $35,000. There are several insurance providers that can offer some or full insurance coverage for the gastric bypass surgery.

Here are the details that are included in gastric bypass surgery cost:

1. Pre-op lab costs

2. Surgeon’s fee

3. Hospital fee

4. X-ray

5. Anesthesia charges

6. Post-operative care, generally 90 days

Factors that can alter the cost of the gastric bypass surgery:

1. Duration of the hospital stay

2. Where you live, the location you are residing can have a great effect on the cost of the surgery

3. If the surgeon or hospital is in your network provider for the health plan you have

Also, there are several things that are not included in the cost of gastric bypass surgery, such as:

1. Diet counseling cost

2. Lifestyle changes

3. Body contouring or plastic surgery procedures to eliminate the additional skin or sagging areas whereas treating the loose muscles

4. Vitamin and supplements cost

5. Behavioral therapies if you are considering any after the surgery

If you want to make sure about the cost of gastric bypass surgery, you can consult your nearest and an experienced bariatric surgeon.

7. December 2011 22:16 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

It is a non-reversible surgery and is performed under general anesthesia and needs 1-2 hours. It needs one or two days hospital stay. The recovery after gastric sleeve surgery takes few weeks time.

Your abdomen becomes swollen and sore for few days. The surgeon may suggest pain medicines to reduce the discomfort. There will be some scarring that can be covered with clothing.

After the surgery, you should be very careful about your eating habits and the solid foods you are consuming. For first few weeks, you need to stick to the liquid diet, then semi solid foods, then pureed foods and finally you can start with solid foods.

People who have undergone the surgery may lose 50-80 percent of the excess body weight for the first six months or up to one year. Several studies proved that people after undergoing the gastric sleeve surgery may get improvements in their diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea within one or two years. All these health improvements are comparable with the other weight loss surgeries.

Since, gastric sleeve is a totally new surgery, there is a limited data available on long-term weight loss or upon any other health improvements. After the surgery recovery, you will notice certain lifestyle changes and essential follow-up care. People who have gastric sleeve surgery should follow:

  • Regular exercise
  • Some behavioral modification techniques
  • Specific dietary guidelines for the rest of the life, such as:

a. Eat slowly and eat small quantities each time consuming the food
b. Chew thoroughly and swallow the food only when it is mashed
c. Also, not eating and drinking the food at the same time

3. December 2011 09:16 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

What You Need To Know About Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve is the modern bariatric surgery procedure designed for permanent weight loss. This procedure involves several small incisions instead of making a large incision. Most of the studies support that this surgery is the primary bariatric procedure for years to come.

The increasing amount of positive results with rapid and sustained weight loss coupled with complete recovery from diabetes and hypertension, can all lead a patient to live longer and healthier. The procedure can increase the quality of life.

People who are more than 100 pounds of weight can undergo gastric sleeve procedure or people who are obese and suffering from weight related issues, such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes can also be suitable for gastric sleeve surgery.

For a free evaluation to see whether you are a suitable candidate for the surgery, you can consult one of our bariatric surgeons.

But, before undergoing the surgery, there are some essential things which you need to follow, such as:

  • You should stop smoking as it may increase the chance of affecting with infections, pneumonia, blood clots and slows down the healing process.
  • You need to follow a diet program recommended by your bariatric surgeon.
1. December 2011 09:30 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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