Can You Consider Weight Loss Surgery For Children?

Now the weight loss surgery is also being offered to the children who are suffering from obesity. This is considered as a last solution when all other procedures to lose excess weight have not succeeded. Very rarely surgery is recommended for obese children.

The surgeons who have to perform the surgery have stressed in way to consider the candidate for weight loss surgery, the child must understand the entire process of surgery including pros and cons. And also the child who is undergoing the surgery must have to cope with all the implications of the weight loss surgery such as lifestyle and also diet changes in order to follow up the physician appointments.

It is better to perform this surgery at the age of 15 or 17, since at this age children can mature enough in order to cope with the pre-operative and post-operative care schedule. It is necessary that the parents have to involve in each and every case from the starting.

This surgery involves placing elastic or else a gastric band at the upper end of the stomach which will cause an individual to feel fuller after having very small quantity of food. Usually this type of surgery will result in an exciting weight loss.

Post-operative care will include a very restricted diet regimen. The patient can start from liquids and then gradually progress to pureed food, and then lastly solid food in small quantities. Every month post-operative appointments will take place, and also exercise is a part of strict regime.

Patients and also doctors stress that this procedure is not easy. Only it should be undertaken when children’s excess weight can’t be lost with exercise and diet. Before having bariatric surgery, children are assessed by healthcare providers for at least six months.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

28. May 2012 10:58 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Is Bariatric Surgery A Solution For Diabetes?

Obesity is one of the most common causes of the diabetes. A person who has excess weight as compared to the person who has normal weight is more likely to get diabetes. For those people who are suffering from morbid obesity, the only solution is bariatric surgery. This is wherein a surgeon stitches up the portion of stomach in order to reduce the individual’s food intake. Reduction in food intake will lead to the reduction in overall weight.  Recent study has found that the weight loss, which takes place due to Bariatric Surgery can be able to control the Type2 diabetes in a large extent. Most of the people imagine that the hormonal changes takes place during the surgery which in turn controls the diabetes but that is not true. The actual weight loss occurs within the starting 6 months of the surgery, which is essential for the control of diabetes.  The metabolic effect due to the surgery on the body plays a major role in reversing the disease.

Medical researchers have shown that the bariatric surgery can be helpful in reversing the diabetes. Surgery is one of the best solutions, which helps in stopping this disease right in its track. All over the world, millions of people are suffering from this disease, but bariatric procedure might not be the complete cure for this, however most reports around the world seem to accept that this surgery can stop the diabetes effects almost immediately. By restricting dangerous combinations of food to invade the stomach one can let their body adjust. Too much salt and too many sugars can be very harmful for the system.

Doctors have studied so many patients who were diabetic and also severely obese. All the patients who had Bariatric surgery were showed improvement in the levels of their blood sugar and also the medications used by those was reduced drastically but only those patients who had lost considerable amount of weight had excellent remission of diabetes. This was showed that weight loss in the starting 3 months of the surgery to 6 months was the significant factor to control the diabetes by using the bariatric surgery. And also the hormones will play a major role. The person may lose his weight in initial stages but that does not refer that they can be able to reduce diabetes medication followed by the surgery. Relation between diabetes and weight loss is that one who quickly loses more weight , can have higher chances of curing the disease. Many researches are ongoing in order to find out the ways to achieve this so as to acquire control on this disease. Obesity plays a big role in the diabetes, same as that weight loss also has a major role in controlling illness.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

15. May 2012 11:35 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Choosing The Best Weight Loss Surgery For Yourself

If you are suffering from morbid obesity and have the hard time to control your eating habits, you may need to consider the weight loss surgery. Over weight is the main reason for all health problems, however many researches have proven that the weight loss surgery will cut down the risk factors of breast tumors almost 85% and the colon cancer by 70%. But before having the surgery you need to decide that which the best suitable procedure for you.

Losing over weight is a desire for so many. Surgery has now become mostly accepted as having drugs, which assist in the weight loss program.  Before undergoing through the actual procedure, it is necessary to ask yourself several questions such as how much time it will take, cost, etc., Understand the basic procedures. There are 2 types of approaches that you can follow to lose the excess weight. Shrinking size of the stomach by altering digestion, and creating the restriction on food intake so that the nutrients of food are incompletely absorbed and they will be eliminated in the form of stool.

Primarily there are weight loss surgeries, which you ought to think about: The gastric bypass, the lap band and the Gastric sleeve. Lap band surgery is a reversible procedure, and the gastric sleeve & gastric bypass are permanent. It is necessary to think about the results of the weight loss procedure, as of these surgeries can ever be undone.

The gastric bypass surgery is a way much more invasive method. This procedure drastically reduces the food intake and you can get so many health benefits. It can be helpful in reversing the chronic diseases like diabetes. If you are interested in this method then consult the best surgeon.

The lap band surgery is the bariatric procedure, which includes placing the band across the stomach of the patient in order to restrict the food intake. This band itself can be deflated and inflated depending on the dietary needs of a person.  With this procedure you can observe least amount of weight loss, and also least amount of changes would occur in physical appearance.

The final method you ought to think about is Gastric sleeve surgery. This is the most invasive bariatric surgery; this surgery involves removing almost 85% of the stomach part. The aim of this surgery is to create a comparatively narrowed tube, in which food will be stored.

Choosing the right weight loss surgery for your condition is very important. So is choosing the right surgeon. Whether you are undergoing the gastric sleeve, gastric bypass or lap band, research the medical terms, location and hospital to make your health and weight goals a reality.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

7. May 2012 09:28 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Psychological Factors That Lead to Obesity

Obesity: Generally a body having too much fat called obesity but being overweight is not same as obesity. Consuming many calories than we need leads to obesity, because those unused calories are stored as fat in our body. Reducing physical activity also leads to obesity. Nowadays people are busy with their jobs and spending much time on work by sitting in front of the desk. Due to this burning of calories in our body is less so chances for obesity are more. Many factors are influencing the obesity and among those psychological factors are one of the major factors.

Psychological factors that lead to obesity: In our society this factor has a major impact on obesity. Some factors plays major role in this, they are

·         Depression: common cause for depression is weight gain. People with depression lead to comfort in food and remembering their happier movement makes them to eat excessive food. Due to this fat content is higher in their body.

·         Eating disorders: Eating is a major factor that leads to obesity. Sometimes mildly obese people are trying to lose their weight with some special weight loss surgeries or with their own risks like physical exercise, running, etc. During this period, large amount of food is consumed by people and they are unable to control themselves, so these people have some difficulty in losing weight. 

·         Stress: In daily life people are busy with so much of work, due to this they feel stress and it have totally a negative effect on our lifestyle. Sometimes if people feel stress, automatically they consume alcohol and food in high amounts; they are also lead to psychological problems and these problems leads to obesity.

·         Low self-esteem: In fact this is major risk factor than other factors for obesity.  People who are suffering from this factor are better to take discussions about caring for their obesity so that they may fall their body weight. 

·         Obesity can be caused by some organic imbalances in our body. Due to this imbalance of organs, serious health problems would be raised.

·         Field dependence, eating style,  impulse lacking, even these are not supported experimentally as an evidence, still they are psychological factors for obesity.

·         Many people usually taking food when they are angry or bored. Even it is any association either emotions or celebrations food is still strong. 

·         Some personal issues like improper diet may cause motivation or lack of energy and increases the consumption of food, which again lead to obesity.

·         Comparing studies in non obese and obese persons we cannot find much difference as per global aspects with psychological functionalities.

·         Some other psychological problems that lead to obesity are negative reactions with more emotionally towards dieting and disparagement of our body image.​

Anyways, consult a weight loss surgeon before going to make any decision about your obesity condition.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

2. May 2012 09:28 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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