What Happens If the Lap Band Surgery Fails?

A lap band surgery is also referred as laparoscopic adjustable gastric band. Obese patients can be treated with this surgery with body mass index ranging from 35 and above with assured co-morbidities. Obesity can cause various health problems like, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea which are identified to recover through weight loss surgery. Lap band surgery is done using a lap band, which is a silicone device positioned on upper portion of the stomach. The intake of the food is restricted with this surgery.

Lap band surgery failure is of two types:

1. Ineffective weight loss: If the weight loss is between 25 to 30 percent and less of your excess weight then the lap band surgery is deliberated to be a failure. The surgery is said to be successful if weight loss percentage is 50 percent.

2. Risks and complications pertaining to band removal : For some patients band is totally removed because of the complications such as:

a. Band infection: Antibiotics can heal band infections, but sometimes band removal is required. The patients who have band infections may range from 1.5 percent to 5.3 percent.

b. Band leak:  Band leak is usually recognized by injecting colored fluid and x-ray is taken to find any colored fluid leak on outer side of the gastric band.

c. Band erosion: band erosion can happen when band grows up into the tummy. The treatment is enduring in elimination of the band.

d. Band slippage: This can transpire, when the lower portion of the stomach slides all the way through the band, forming a big pouch on top of the band. Band slippage can be repaired by surgical relocation of the lap band or removal of fluid from the band. Two types of band placement techniques are used. They are Pars flaccid technique (PFT) and per gastric technique (PGT).

e. Band intolerance: some patients cannot tolerate the band because the band is a foreign object placed in the stomach. Symptoms of band intolerance include feeling discomfort or uneasiness all the time and have terrible vomiting. Band removal is the only option for band intolerant patients.

f. Bowel functioning: The bowel functioning is distorted after lap band surgery, which may include Dyspagia and Constipation. Swallowing difficulty is called as Dyspagia. The reason for this is not chewing the food properly and taking the food quickly. Constipation is seen in patients. This can be treated with fiber diet (fiber supplements) and drinking lots of water.

g. Esophageal dilation: The expansion of esophagus is seen because of band, which is too tight or incorrectly placed.

h. Food trapping: Food is being trapped in a small opening of digestive system. This can be treated by puncturing the band completely until the food passes by.

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29. April 2013 19:12 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Exercise May Speed Up Your Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass

A new study suggests that people who have undergone weight loss surgery to manage their obesity may lose more weight when they follow regular exercise regimen.

Nowadays more and more adults are considering gastric bypass surgery in an effort to lose weight. Weight loss procedures that restrict the amount of food you take can drive considerable weight loss and also help to control diseases related to obesity such as diabetes.

Regular workout is a well-known method to keep your body weight in control. It is not yet evident whether people who begin exercise after gastric bypass fare any better than people who stay sedentary. The new research suggests that they do.

Researchers found that people who became more active after the surgery lost more weight than those who remain active. Just like your new lifestyle involves eating smaller portions and sticking with low fat foods, you need to make physical activity a part of your daily routine for the success of your weight loss surgery. Also, remember that weight loss surgery is not to become skinny, but to become healthy. Also, the goal is not to look better, but also to live longer.

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26. March 2013 09:59 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery is known as the most effective and also long lasting weight loss treatment for excessively obese patients and also to cure so many health issues.

When thinking about weight loss, generally people want extreme weight loss in less time. But for so many reasons, sometimes open surgeries seem too expensive, too risky or too drastic. Less invasive surgeries provide same potentially lifesaving outcomes like traditional open weight loss surgery but with significantly fewer complications and less pain. Typically patient can return to home within 2 to 4 days following their surgery.


Normal Open weight loss surgery needs a single large cut extending from lower edge of breastbone to just down to the belly button, generally 10 to 14 inches length. But laparoscopic method needs 5 or 6 small cuts, which range from 1/4 to 3/4 inch length.

In this less invasive surgery, laparoscope is inserted, which is a small tube with the tiny video camera at the end, through the 10-millimeter incision made in middle of the abdomen. Then the surgeon inserts the surgical instruments from the additionally made incisions in order to perform operation. In this entire process, the laparoscopic camera projects the magnified and high-resolution image of the surgical area onto the multiple monitors, and allows the surgeon to perform the surgery safely with high precision. And people who have the laparoscopic weight loss surgery experience less pain, which can be resolved with over-the-counter medicines.

Minimally invasive surgery has benefits like less muscle and skin trauma, less, shorter painful recovery, less scarring, and fewer incisions issues like hernias and infections.

If this laparoscopic surgery is performed by the skilled surgeon, then it is an effective and safe treatment for morbidly obese patients. Contact us at to know more about the surgery. 

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8. February 2013 23:29 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Recovery After Bariatric Surgery

The quickest wayfor obese people to lose their weight is by undergoing the bariatric surgery. Being obese can result in several health risks to a person. This procedure is helpful for people who are obese to attain the balanced weight.

Remember that weight loss surgery is not a complete cure but it is a tool to help them to reduce the excess body weight. By adhering to these follow-up tips, recovering from surgery can be quicker and less complicated.

In home:

You must be comfortable in your home. Remember not to lift or carry anything more than 20 pounds for first 6 weeks. Participate in daily activities. Shower very carefully. If your skin becomes red around staples don't worry, call the doctor if redness becomes severe or if you're experiencing drainage or pain.

Adjust Your Dietary Habits:

Pay close attention to the daily diet as this is very important in the process of recovery. Quantity of your food will be restricted significantly as compared to the normal consumption. During first few weeks after having the surgery you can have only liquids. Once you have slowly started consuming solid foods, you should be aware of the micro and macronutrients.

Change the Exercise Routine:

With the help of your physician's approval gradually start the exercise routine after you have healed adequately. Over time, your own physical fitness routine should develop to approximately 2.30 hours of activity for every week.

Routine Follow-up Visits to Healthcare Provider:

In order to ensure your overall wellbeing in the first critical months following bariatric surgery, ensure to visit your doctor frequently. You should undergo the blood testing for every 3 months to monitor your glucose, blood count, and creatinine levels. In order to find any nutritional deficits, you should undergo the blood testing for every 6 months.

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30. January 2013 16:23 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery-Aftercare

Weight loss surgery can alter every aspect of the life. By having a successful surgery you’ll become healthy, look different, and probably you will feel much better.

However the changes may run much deeper than those. Most of your old behaviors, habits will have to changed. This can change your feelings about yourself, relationships with others, and also your total way of living.

After having weight loss surgery you have to face another important phase that is aftercare. This is the phase in which an experienced physician will observe your day to day progress and also help you to lose the desired amount of weight in a healthiest possible way. After having weight loss surgery, patients need to follow the strict rules in regards to their general lifestyle and also dieting.

If you want to undergo the weight loss surgery it is necessary to know exactly what to expect and for what you are committing yourself. Here are some important changes that you may face followed by the weight loss surgery.

·         Primary Recovery: How much time it will need to get recovered? That will based on the type of surgical treatment you had. For adjustable gastric banding recovery time is less as compared to gastric bypass surgery. You can ask your doctor about this.

·         Post Surgical Risks: Same as any kind of surgery, this also has side effects and risks. The weight loss surgery risks include blood clots, infections, and pneumonia.  Late complication may also occur; these include bowel obstruction or hernia development. Erosion around the band and band slippage are uncommon complications, but they may also occur.

Generally all these risks are very much lower for the minimally invasive surgery and even when it is carried out by an experienced surgeon. It is very important to follow the doctor’s advice for faster recovery, and know about the symptoms which require immediate checkup:

·         Eating Habits: Weight loss surgery can dramatically change your eating the way you eat. Meals might have reduced than previous. You should have small amounts of meals very slowly and chew properly. Usually doctors recommend small meals a day and that to specific foods only. Generally drinking during the meals is not advised. Because it can wash out the food from stomach very quickly and also interfere with the feeling of fullness.

·         Nutrition: Prior to the surgery, getting nutrients was very easy, but after having weight loss surgery patient have to eat much less, so it is essential to have much nutrient food after surgery. Consult your doctor for advice on the healthy post operative care.

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19. November 2012 09:17 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

When a Person Should Consider Weight Loss Surgery?

Surgery for weight loss is gaining much popularity to treat obesity. There are so many people around the world who are suffering from morbid obesity and they are not only overweight, but they are also at high risk for so many life threatening conditions and diseases.

Sometimes normal regime of altering exercise routine, dietary habits and acquiring the nutritional education are not enough for those who want to lose excess weight and like to become thinner and healthier. Dieting and exercise alone are always not effective and viable treatments for morbid obesity, so a person may begin to consider the choice of weight loss surgery.

Making the decision of undergoing weight loss surgery to reduce overweight is a major thing as it will change your lifestyle. This surgery can change how much and what you can eat. You have to deal with the small sized meals for very small portions, which you eat slowly, and you need to stop eating your favorite food items.

Possibly you have tried other procedures and failed. It is necessary to realize that this is not a cosmetic surgery. This is a major kind of surgery, potentially it is life threatening, and the people who are opting for this route would have to make alterations, which would stay along with them for their entire life. Weight loss surgery is not a simple thing, so you need to think a lot before going to take a decision. There are some consequences to this option and not all feel positive, good consequences. And most of the people don’t know that when they should consider weight loss procedure. Here are the scenarios where the surgical procedure is a good idea to loss excess weight:

In you are overweight:

If you are suffering from morbid obesity and have the body mass index of more than 40, then surgery may be the best option.

If overweight causing Health Problems:

If your overweight is causing you so many health problems and your family doctor is worried that something bad may happen soon, probably you should consider having a weight loss surgery. So many bad things can occur to an overweight person, so sometimes the risk of the surgical procedure such as lap band surgery or gastric bypass will become a necessity.  Individual cannot take this big decision on their own, so better to consult your doctor.

If you have tried and failed in traditional procedures:

Finally, already if you have tried things like dieting and exercise and they have not worked for your condition, a surgical weight loss method may be the best option for you.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

17. September 2012 15:35 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery Doesn’t Raise the Fracture Risk

According to new study, obese people who have undergone the weight-loss surgery, like gastric band or gastric bypass, are not in the risk of broken bones in first few years after having the surgery. But 3 to 5 years after this surgery, these patients may have an increased risk of fractures.

Surgical treatment is a very effective method to lose excess weight for many obese people. However, for few years after the surgery these outcomes are reassuring for the patients; but influence on the skeletal health cannot be excluded for lifetime.

From previous studies, the weight loss surgery alone has been shown to diminish the bone density of patient, as the surgery is linked to the loss of bone density.

From new studies, researches compared the broken bones rate among people who had weight loss operation with similar age groups of same sex, body mass index and age who didn’t have surgery; here body mass index is the fat measurement of the body based on weight and height.

From these new studies, broken bones risk is not much higher even after 3 years of their surgery for people who had the weight loss surgery previously. This risk is inched upwards from 3 to 5 years after having the surgery, and people who have more significant loss in their BMI had higher risk for the fractures, that the researchers noted.

Obesity is the increasing health problem, which affects so many people worldwide. It has been recognized that the surgery is the effective method to weight loss for so many individuals with morbid obesity. For first few years after having surgery, these outcomes are reassuring for the patients; however do not completely exclude negative effect on the skeletal health. But the researchers concluded that, at least in the short term changes in the bone density are not leading to the fracture risk.

For morbid obese people, undergoing weight loss surgery can bring a new turn in their life towards healthy lifestyle habits. But before considering any kind of surgery, make sure to consult an experienced weight loss or bariatric surgeon.

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7. August 2012 12:47 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery And Substance Abuse

Weight loss surgery helps obese in trenching unhealthful food habits. However, the latest studies put forward these people at times step into a rebound relationship by way of other things like cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

The survey conducted on 120 patients who have undergone bariatric surgery found that 50 percent of the patients are seen of substance abuse after two years of the procedure.

Lot of people, who underwent bariatric surgery settle by way of eating in retort to dissimilar emotional cues, says Alexis Conason a lead of obesity nutrition centre in a study circulated in the records of surgery at New York.

Patients having the habit of smoking and drinking before surgery noticed to be consuming more after two years of the procedure. Moreover, a report says one in twenty five patients used recreational drugs prior to the surgery, one in 8 said that they used two years afterwards.

Few of the experts think that the reason for substance use may be associated with the lifestyle changes and social activities.

Another study conducted on morbidly obese group is publicly isolated. After undergoing surgery, the patients not only turn out to be mentally healthy but also physically healthy and at time become social. They happily go on dates and parties that might include social alcoholic drinks. 

Alcohol consumption percentage was low among the patients earlier to surgery. Possibly, after surgery, the regularity of alcohol intake is increased.

The substance abuse among the bariatric patients is more after two years of the surgery. The first two years are very crucial in recovery after surgery, following a strict guidelines is needed to maintain good health and adjusting to emotions and bonding with their new fangled body.

The time length required for follow up may vary from patient to patient and their personal condition. The patients having alcohol trouble like excess drinking habits and it obstructs responsibility of family and work. If these kinds of issues occur, talk to a mental health care professional and doctors or seek advice through bariatric support. These patients need regular monitoring. 

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30. July 2012 11:34 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Complications of Lap Band Surgery

Lap band surgery has low surgical complications as compared to the other weight loss methods. The death rate is about 1 in about 2000 people. There is a possibility of the eroding or band slipping into the stomach and of the mechanical malfunction. The other complications include: bleeding, infection, and abdominal pain.

Lap band surgery complications are very common after having the surgery. However many of these are very minor complications and they can be alleviated by following few post operative instructions.

Lap band complications range from annoyances to the complete failure and also removal of the lap band.

Following are the complications of potential lap band treatment:

Band erosion: This is also called as band migration. This condition occurs actually when the band moves into stomach. Only treatment for this is permanent removal of band.

Band intolerance: Some people’s bodies cannot handle the band. So after completion of the surgery the band becomes an alien object in their body. The intolerance of band includes: vomiting or uncomfortable feeling all the time. For this condition permanent band removal is the only solution.

Band slippage: This condition occurs if the lower portion of the stomach slips from the band, and creates a large pouch above the band. Surgical repositioning or removing the fluid is required to set the band slippage. The symptoms include reflux and vomiting, and this can be diagnosed by having a dye and using the X-Ray to see it.

Band leak: Usually patients can tell if their gastrointestinal system has the leak, if feelings of the patients of restriction decrease with the time without the surgeon unfilling the port. To conclude that whether you have the leak, your surgeon may inject the colored fluid and then take an X-Ray to observe if any of that colored fluid is presented outside of that gastric banding system. To repair this, surgery may require.

Blood Clots: These are also called as thrombus. Obsess people have high risk of developing the blood clots after and during any type of surgery. Some blood thinners are used to prevent the blood clots. Walking periodically after having the surgery may also very effective. The symptoms of blood clot include pain or swelling in the legs and this can be diagnosed by the doctor by using an ultrasound. Blood clots would be treated by taking the prescribed blood thinners. If you left this untreated, clots may lead to the pulmonary embolism. So it is better to inform your doctor as soon as possible. Smoking may increase the risk of this condition, so if you are a smoker try to stop smoking before having the surgery. That should be not later than 2 months out.

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29. March 2012 05:48 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Lap Band Surgery Recovery

Lap band surgery:  FDA-approved brand name is lap band system; in this lap-band procedure gastric band with adjustable facility is used. Collar belt or silicon belt is used in lap band and it goes around the upper portion of the stomach. This is adjustable and also provides flexibility to remove easily in future and this is the best solution if other procedures of weight loss have not worked. Lap band surgery is the best solution for weight loss as compared to other methods. This surgery would be performed by restricting the food intake levels and also increases the time to empty the stomach.

Recovery from Lap-Band surgery:

·         After having the surgery you may feel like your mouth as dry but you must have only glucose water. After the surgery, a patient is allowed to drink only few ounces of fluid or water.

·         Bed rest is necessary when you return to home, but frequent walking is recommended.

·         After the surgery patient needs strong commitment in the habits of food intake. Some changes should be done in diet and eating style.

·         If the patient is strictly committed, he/she will lose approximately 26 to 38 percent of his extra weight in the body.

·         A patient who takes Lap-Band surgery need to resume his regular work without any failure for two to three weeks.

·         If the patient starts walking early, the chances of blood clot development is very less.

·         After surgery, it is better to avoid heavy weight lifting and also do not spend much time on exercise.

·         Always follow the doctor's instructions and try to remember at all time.

·         After having the Lap-Band surgery, you’re slowly re-accustomed to solid foods like skin less chicken, yogurt with low fat, fish etc.

·         In first two weeks, liquid is the only diet and it is strictly recommended, the other recommended diets may vary after first two weeks.

·         It is very important to drink lot of water during the recovery period.

·         After your lap-band surgery, if you have fever with 101 degrees, vomiting, leg pain, and chest pain then it is essential to consult the doctor.

·         During the recovery period, patient can only take thin liquids and that should be in small quantity. In this time, mostly patient needs to depend on liquids, such as clear fruit juice, skim milk, no sugar drinks and clear broth.

·         The patient should take only a very little amount of diet to avoid nausea and cramps. Taking Solid foods after the surgery may also cause problems, so that diet must be in limited amount as directed by the physician.

·         Following these tips may be helpful for patients in recovering from lap band surgery and also managing the weight.

For better results after the surgery, you can contact a lap band surgeon.

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14. March 2012 09:38 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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