What Happens If the Lap Band Surgery Fails?

A lap band surgery is also referred as laparoscopic adjustable gastric band. Obese patients can be treated with this surgery with body mass index ranging from 35 and above with assured co-morbidities. Obesity can cause various health problems like, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea which are identified to recover through weight loss surgery. Lap band surgery is done using a lap band, which is a silicone device positioned on upper portion of the stomach. The intake of the food is restricted with this surgery.

Lap band surgery failure is of two types:

1. Ineffective weight loss: If the weight loss is between 25 to 30 percent and less of your excess weight then the lap band surgery is deliberated to be a failure. The surgery is said to be successful if weight loss percentage is 50 percent.

2. Risks and complications pertaining to band removal : For some patients band is totally removed because of the complications such as:

a. Band infection: Antibiotics can heal band infections, but sometimes band removal is required. The patients who have band infections may range from 1.5 percent to 5.3 percent.

b. Band leak:  Band leak is usually recognized by injecting colored fluid and x-ray is taken to find any colored fluid leak on outer side of the gastric band.

c. Band erosion: band erosion can happen when band grows up into the tummy. The treatment is enduring in elimination of the band.

d. Band slippage: This can transpire, when the lower portion of the stomach slides all the way through the band, forming a big pouch on top of the band. Band slippage can be repaired by surgical relocation of the lap band or removal of fluid from the band. Two types of band placement techniques are used. They are Pars flaccid technique (PFT) and per gastric technique (PGT).

e. Band intolerance: some patients cannot tolerate the band because the band is a foreign object placed in the stomach. Symptoms of band intolerance include feeling discomfort or uneasiness all the time and have terrible vomiting. Band removal is the only option for band intolerant patients.

f. Bowel functioning: The bowel functioning is distorted after lap band surgery, which may include Dyspagia and Constipation. Swallowing difficulty is called as Dyspagia. The reason for this is not chewing the food properly and taking the food quickly. Constipation is seen in patients. This can be treated with fiber diet (fiber supplements) and drinking lots of water.

g. Esophageal dilation: The expansion of esophagus is seen because of band, which is too tight or incorrectly placed.

h. Food trapping: Food is being trapped in a small opening of digestive system. This can be treated by puncturing the band completely until the food passes by.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

29. April 2013 19:12 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Bariatric Surgery for Children

Obesity has become one of the serious health concerns in children and adolescents. Children who are obese or overweight are more likely to be overweight or obese as an adult. Obese children are more likely to affect with health problems that usually begin in adulthood. When those health issues begin in childhood, they will become more severe when your child becomes an adult.

Usually, obese children have poor self-esteem, depression and low grades in schools. When adults have bariatric surgery, they will usually lose greater amount of weight. Greater reduction in their weight can helps with better diabetes control, fewer sleep problems, lower blood pressure and also lower cholesterol.

After undergoing the bariatric surgery, your child will:

·         Have a smaller stomach pouch

·         Feel full or satisfied even with less food

·         Not able to consume food just like before

Weight loss surgery can help teens to get into their desired weight. Gastric bypass surgery is the most often used form of weight loss surgery for teens in US. Adjustable gastric banding is also another type of weight loss procedure. Both these surgeries are conducted by making 5-6 small cuts on the stomach. This procedure is known as laparoscopic surgery.

Is bariatric surgery right for all the children?

Children who have BMI of 35 or higher and also have serious health conditions related to obesity, such as diabetes, sleep apnea, severe liver inflammation due to excess body fat, and pseudotumor cerebri can undergo bariatric surgery

Children who have BMI of 40 or higher and have serious health conditions related to obesity, such as high cholesterol, depression, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea can undergo bariatric surgery.

Teenage bodies are still developing and changing. With the rapid weight loss after the surgery, they should be careful about the vitamins and nutrients their bodies require. Children who underwent weight loss surgery should take certain vitamin and mineral supplements for the rest of their life.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

18. April 2013 07:52 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery for PCOS Patients

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is the condition in which formation of multiple cysts takes place along the edge of the ovaries. PCOS can cause various problems in women during their reproductive age.

One of the common causes of PCOS is obesity. According to studies, 50% of the women who were diagnosed with PCOS are obese. PCOS can also cause rapid weight gain. If you are obese and suffering from PCOS, considering weight loss surgery will benefit you a lot.

Weight loss surgery gives successful weight reduction

One of the most obvious benefits of weight loss surgery is successful weight reduction. The surgery reduces your stomach size thus makes you to eat less portions. Losing weight with PCOS can be very difficult, so many people with PCOS undergo the surgery to take control over their weight.

Weight loss surgery regulates your insulin levels

Insulin resistance is the most common problem for people with PCOS. Insulin resistance makes your blood unable to remove the excess sugar. When your body can’t metabolize the sugar properly, then it can lead to type 2 diabetes. Weight loss surgery can help your body in regulating the insulin. Though the surgery can’t cure the syndrome, it can significantly help manage the insulin problems.(Weight loss surgery and diabetes)

Weight loss surgery decreases risk of heart disease

Obesity is one of the most leading causes of heart disease. Women with PCOS are even at higher risk of heart disease as is combined with obesity. Studies conducted on patients with PCOS who gone through weight loss surgery reduces their threat of heart disease by 20%-80% within a decade of the surgery.(Weight loss surgery to reduce heart disease risk)

While any kind of surgery involves certain risks, for few patients the benefits far outweigh the risks. You need to consult your doctor to find out whether you are a good candidate for weight loss surgery.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

13. April 2013 06:28 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Bone Loss after Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is the best process of weight reduction for obese people to treat many diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attacks etc. Though it has shown good results there are some complications will result after the surgery, an infection in the incision, a leak from the stomach into the abdominal cavity, a blood clot in the lung, blood loss, osteoporosis or other bone disorders, anemia, and hair loss. All of these problems come with insufficient proteins and nutrition in the food after the weight loss surgery.

One of the most common problems after the surgery includes osteoporosis due to low calcium levels in the food. Osteoporosis is a serious condition that affects bones and makes them smaller, thinner, weaken and break more easily. Bariatric surgery is associated with increased risks of fractures. Patient should take enough calcium supplements after the bariatric surgery.

Consume more calcium in the diet to avoid risk of bone loss; especially dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, dark green leafy vegetables, salmon, and tofu are good sources of calcium. The minimum amount of calcium needed for body is about 1,000 mg/day and also the amount of calcium varies from person to person along with their age. Generally, a calcium supplement is only needed if you can’t get adequate calcium from your diet. Because consulting with doctor or prior suggestion with health care provider is required before taking calcium supplements. Decreased bone mineral density after the surgery is a real problem that increases the risk for fracture. The possibility of breaking a hand or foot was higher about three times what would be estimated after bariatric surgery.

Many obese people who have gastric bypass to lose weight may suffer with bone loss after the bariatric surgery even when they take calcium supplements daily. Women have higher risk of osteoporosis because of decrease in estrogen levels after menopause which causes thinner bones. It is recommended to take bone mineral density test one year after the bariatric surgery. Calcium and vitamin D supplements are best ways to prevent this condition.

Treating bone loss after bariatric surgery:

  • Regular Exercise is one of the best treatments for preventing bone loss. Weight bearing exercise will helps to improve bone density.
  • Walking, jogging, weight lifting helps to increase bone thickness.
  • Eating diet with sufficient proteins and nutrients to strengthen bones.
  • Taking calcium and vitamin D and multivitamin supplements to reduce bone loss.
  • Avoid alcohol and quit smoking.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

4. April 2013 11:29 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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