Recovery After Bariatric Surgery

The quickest wayfor obese people to lose their weight is by undergoing the bariatric surgery. Being obese can result in several health risks to a person. This procedure is helpful for people who are obese to attain the balanced weight.

Remember that weight loss surgery is not a complete cure but it is a tool to help them to reduce the excess body weight. By adhering to these follow-up tips, recovering from surgery can be quicker and less complicated.

In home:

You must be comfortable in your home. Remember not to lift or carry anything more than 20 pounds for first 6 weeks. Participate in daily activities. Shower very carefully. If your skin becomes red around staples don't worry, call the doctor if redness becomes severe or if you're experiencing drainage or pain.

Adjust Your Dietary Habits:

Pay close attention to the daily diet as this is very important in the process of recovery. Quantity of your food will be restricted significantly as compared to the normal consumption. During first few weeks after having the surgery you can have only liquids. Once you have slowly started consuming solid foods, you should be aware of the micro and macronutrients.

Change the Exercise Routine:

With the help of your physician's approval gradually start the exercise routine after you have healed adequately. Over time, your own physical fitness routine should develop to approximately 2.30 hours of activity for every week.

Routine Follow-up Visits to Healthcare Provider:

In order to ensure your overall wellbeing in the first critical months following bariatric surgery, ensure to visit your doctor frequently. You should undergo the blood testing for every 3 months to monitor your glucose, blood count, and creatinine levels. In order to find any nutritional deficits, you should undergo the blood testing for every 6 months.

30. January 2012 16:30 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Know More About Gastric Sleeve Diet

The Gastric sleeve surgery is also called as vertical sleeve gastrectomy or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. It is a restrictive method of bariatric surgery, which helps in losing the excess weight by limiting the intake of food and suppressing hunger sensations. In this surgery a large portion of the stomach will be removed, by keeping the edges of the stomach intact. In this method the intestine does not rerouted thus the normal procedures of the stomach can be resumed. That is why it is considered as a safest surgery as compared to the other methods.

Immediately after the gastric bypass surgery you are unable to eat till one or two days. After some days you will be able to take some specific diet. The aim of the gastric sleeve diet is to help the healing process of your body, reduces stress on surgical injuries and allows your body to adjust for new digestion system.

Diet recommendations fallowed by gastric sleeve surgery are aimed to facilitate your body and digestion system into a gradual adjustment to its new things.

·         Most often post-operative recovery diet includes low calorie, nutritional regimes, which predispose the digestion system to pass from clear liquids to smooth paste food and finally come back to the normal meals.

·         Diet recommendations after the gastric sleeve surgery mostly focused on the regular consumption of liquids and healthy foods throughout the day and moderate use of meals.

·         Soon after to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body, intravenous liquids are put into the patient’s blood.

There are 3 phases in the gastric sleeve diet:

Liquids: Fluids and foods that are semi liquid and liquid which contain mostly water and they should be at room temperature, such as juice, strained soup, broth, milk, and cooked cereal. This liquid diet will be continued for one to two days.

Pureed foods: Food items with a consistency of thick liquid or smooth paste. This food doesn’t contain distinct pieces. This type of food is generally recommended for 3 or 4 weeks.

Soft Foods: Diet that is easy to chew and tender, such as finely diced or ground meats, soft or canned, cooked vegetables and fresh fruits. You are recommended to this type of food for eight weeks before going for the normal food.

Guidelines for gastric sleeve diet:

·         A typical post-operative diet should contain protein rich diet such as fish, egg, chicken, low-carbohydrate diet such as vegetables and fruits, and low-fat food such as margarine and olive oil.

·         Daily food must be a consumption of 1.5 liters of liquids and fluids, especially water is strongly recommended.

·         Sugar can delays the process of weight loss. Also patients should avoid sugar from their post-op diet. Especially simple sugars would affect the weight loss process. This simple sugar mostly found in fruit juices, candy bars and sodas.

29. January 2012 07:43 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Nutritional Deficiencies after Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is considering as a common procedure to lose the excess weight. This surgery is mostly preferred, because of its successful results. However, there are so many side effects and issues due to the bariatric surgery, so patient should be aware of all these things before having the surgery. If you are planning to have weight loss surgery, it is very important to be informed regarding the nutritional deficiencies, which may occur after having this medical procedure.

Through this surgery a major part of the small intestine has been removed due to this Nutritional deficiency may occur followed by the bariatric surgery. The functionality of the small intestine is to absorb the nutrients, which are required for the body functioning. It is also a place where pancreatic enzymes and bile absorb fat-soluble minerals and vitamins from the intake food.

The important nutrients include vitamins D, A, K and E. Deficiencies, which occur fallowed by the bariatric surgery include: vitamin D and calcium deficiency, iron deficiency, protein deficiency, Folate and Vitamin B12 deficiency, Vitamin B1 (thiamin) deficiency and other vitamin deficiencies. Such as magnesium and zinc deficiencies have been found in some patients. Symptoms of protein deficiencies include: loss of hair, swelling in the legs, and extreme fatigue. As well normal mineral and vitamin deficiencies include tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, lethargy, difficulty in seeing when light is dim, bone pain, brittle nails, wounds, which are bruising easily, and slow to heal.

After having bariatric surgery you must have to concentrate on your diet that should be nutrient rich food. Nutritionally empty food may cause vomiting, dumping and weight gain. After having bariatric surgery you must avoid unhealthy foods. The foods, which you have must avoid are white foods, such as white flour, white fat and white sugar. There are many food items, which contains these three items such as most breads, pasta, crackers ,soft drinks, pastry fillings and pastries, frostings, cakes,  spread and margarines, candies and sweets, jellies, hotdog buns and hamburger, frozen dinner-all of which are convenience foods and common snacks. Indeed, most of these combine all three white foods together, and these foods contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, processing agents and texturing, and other  additives, which further lessen their nutritional stature and also your health.

To prevent any nutritional deficiencies fallowed by the bariatric surgery, it is very important to take supplements while you are recovering from the medical procedure. A regular examination by the physician may help you to find any other nutritional deficiencies. After completion of this procedure, you can expect to take a nutrient diet on a regular basis, and consult your physician for frequent checkups. Regularly having supplements can maintain your nutrient serum levels at the prominent level.

22. January 2012 21:54 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

The Cost of Lap Band Surgery

The lap band surgery is used to drop excessive amount of weight. It is possible by manipulating the intake food of stomach. Inflatable band is used in this process to divide the stomach in to two parts, lower and upper. It is fitted around the stomach as like belt which will reduce the intake of liquids and food of stomach. A small opening is made by the surgeon in between lower and upper sections which is useful to pass some amount of food but it is very small amount.

Cost of the surgery: Nowadays cost of the lap band surgery is big problem. It is in between $12,500 to $30,000. Several factors are included in determining the costs of lap band surgery. They are:

1. Diagnostic tests and laboratory fees: Depending on the person’s priority to surgery approved diagnostic tests are performed, while declaring the person’s eligibility for the surgery is concluded by using preoperative laboratory tests.

2. Hospital Fees: The facilities which are available with the Hospital may decide the cost of the surgery. Before signing up for the surgery, candidates are advised to observe the clinic and hospital environment.

3. Doctor’s fee: The big portion of lap band surgery fee is paid to bariatric surgeon as professional fees. The surgeon who has more experience could pay ample amount to their services. Since this procedure requires experts in handling tools and laparoscopic elements. Then only the surgery will be successfully completed.

4. Visits: Patient should visit the surgeon before and after the surgery for a complete guidance. These are called fallow up visits. The cost of these visits can be included in the surgery amount.

Factors that Affects externally:

1. Geographical location: The cost of the lap band surgery will be high in urban areas. It is more expensive in metropolitan cities when compared to the rural areas.

2. Surgery procedure: If patient wants to stay in hospital to ensure recovery, then it will cost more when compared to self maintenance.

3. Insurance Policy: Most of the insurance providers don’t provide complete amount. So, care should be taken while providing the documents and papers needed for the insurance.

4. Additional Charges: Additional procedures after the lap band surgery include body contouring, Extra Skin Removal, liposuction, face lift and breast lift operations may charge high amount to pay. Normally these are not included in the health insurance policy of patient so it should be paid by the patient separately.

17. January 2012 18:28 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Effects of Weight Loss Surgery on Metabolism

The energy needed by our body can be acquired through metabolism; it is the chemical reaction in the body, which converts the food in to energy. Specific proteins and acids in the body control the metabolism, and each and every chemical reaction is accommodated with other functions of the body. The body can regulate thousands of chemical reaction of metabolism that will keep our cells working and healthy.

Weight loss surgery can change the lifestyle of the human beings. It affects the eating habits, activities, and behavior of body metabolism. Changes can occur in the gastro intestinal system. It affects the digestive system and chemical reactions of the body, and also decreases the metabolic syndrome. Weight loss surgery gives an effective and fast weight loss. It also helps to fight against the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of medical conditions, which leads to an increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes, and other health problems. From most of the studies it is analyzed that weight loss surgery can help in preventing high blood pressure, heart strokes , which are caused by metabolic syndrome  and enhances the normal functioning of the body.

Weight loss surgery causes injury to the stomach and abdominal wall, and that changes the walking and sittings of the biomechanics. Thus it reduces the intake of food, from that automatically the system of metabolism gets affected.

Due to these surgeries the body shrinks in waistline and at the same time the working and living space of the internal organs is reduced. The cavity size of the abdomen is decreased, and then the internal organs get compressed. This will affect the digestion system by reducing the chemical reactions.

After one year of the surgery, patients who are suffering from metabolic syndrome lost 30% of their weight, it is an average calculation. The patients’ blood pressure, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol were reduced. Through the adjustable gastric banding surgery most of the patients reversed their metabolism. The metabolic syndrome reversal can mostly happen with gastric bypass surgery. Metabolism mostly depends on the percentage of weight loss.

13. January 2012 19:00 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

How Will be The Life After Bariatric Surgery?

Life after bariatric surgery is very crucial, as there are many changes in the lifestyle. Bariatric surgery is not a rapid procedure but it is an ongoing process on the way to weight loss. The recovery process takes time to adjust with the regular habits. It is important to be patient and accept the changes. The alterations in the daily routine like the diet, lifestyle, regular workouts, and follow-up surgeries for the removal of excess skin fat are very important after surgery. Medical professional gives all the necessary suggestions after the surgery.

Follow-up after bariatric surgery from medical experts such as a primary care from general physician, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist work together to assist to prevent weight regain. Some of the consequence of post surgery like nutritional deficiencies, regaining weight and the development of diseases associated to obesity.

After bariatric surgery, the diseases related to weight gain may cause high blood pressure, bone disease, sleep apnea, polycystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes and gout.

After bariatric surgery, patients need to undergo the programs related to rigorous nutritional instructive list in order to prevent and take care of nutritional deficiencies. As the assimilation of nutrients is blocked, there is an increased risk of nutrition. As this may result in metabolic bone diseases. Necessary supplements of vitamins and calcium are required to prevent further bone diseases. To determine the lack of nutrition in your body, there are specific tests as bone density test and blood test.

Some of the side effects like vomiting and dumping syndrome, which are caused when the contents of the food is dumped into the intestine quickly, so follow up care is necessary. As the stomach is made smaller as it takes limited quantities of food to adjust with the newer stomach after the surgery. Post bariatric surgery doctors can help you regarding the intake of food and give useful instructions regarding eating and drinking habits.

Pregnancy and birth control after bariatric surgery

Most of the women have doubts regarding pregnancy after surgery, but it is very much safer to become pregnant after bariatric surgery than being obese. It is very much essential to wait for limited period following precautions. Approximately half of the women who had bariatric surgery are in the age group of 18 to 45, which is the reproductive age.

Effectiveness of bariatric surgery

One of the most effective weight loss surgeries is bariatric surgery for morbid obesity. The consequences of the surgery are well satisfied and it is a safer process for obesity. The initial care is necessary at the starting months after bariatric surgery. Weight loss mainly happens in initial years following surgery. To affirm the surgery is success 50 to 60 percent of excess body weight is adequate.

3. January 2012 22:17 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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