Weight Loss Surgery May Help Severely Obese Women to Resolve Sexual Dysfunction

Morbidly obese women are more likely to be sexually dysfunctional. So, bariatric surgery not only helps women to lose weight, it can also resolve or improve female sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is a most prevalent and difficult condition that greatly affects a woman’s health as well as quality of life.

Few researchers said that bariatric surgery can greatly improve sexual dysfunction in women and it doesn’t seem to matter if a woman undergoes gastric bypass or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding.

Generally, morbidly obese people are 75-100 pounds weight and have a BMI of 40 or more. People with BMI 35 and above are usually suffered from obesity related diseases such as diabetes, sleep apnea, heart attack, etc. All these conditions can directly or indirectly lead to sexual dysfunction in women.

Most common bariatric surgery methods that women can undergo to deal with the condition of sexual dysfunction include laparoscopic gastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB).

There are numerous improvements in various aspects of the quality of life and mood that we can expect to see during this initial period. The psychological impact of weight loss can be significant. Even if there is a small amount of weight loss, women have more confidence, and that alone can make a big difference for some.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

10. May 2013 07:42 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Red Wine May Help To Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight, drinking red wine could help. Red wine appeares to be the best in aiding weight loss. Resveratol weight loss is now the talk on a controversy, resveratol is said to be found in red wine and can also be found on grapes and grape juice.

There are various reasons why alcohol might help women stay trim. When we consume more alcohol, we used to eat less amounts. People spend more energy after drinking alcohol. Reservatol is found in red wine which is believed to play a great role in maintaining a healthy diet. This component works with a gene in our body that helps promoting good health and weight loss.

Drinking red wine in large amounts can’t be suggestible. It is recommended to drink healthier amounts, and then it will make a difference in your weight loss.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

4. May 2013 08:11 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery for PCOS Patients

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is the condition in which formation of multiple cysts takes place along the edge of the ovaries. PCOS can cause various problems in women during their reproductive age.

One of the common causes of PCOS is obesity. According to studies, 50% of the women who were diagnosed with PCOS are obese. PCOS can also cause rapid weight gain. If you are obese and suffering from PCOS, considering weight loss surgery will benefit you a lot.

Weight loss surgery gives successful weight reduction

One of the most obvious benefits of weight loss surgery is successful weight reduction. The surgery reduces your stomach size thus makes you to eat less portions. Losing weight with PCOS can be very difficult, so many people with PCOS undergo the surgery to take control over their weight.

Weight loss surgery regulates your insulin levels

Insulin resistance is the most common problem for people with PCOS. Insulin resistance makes your blood unable to remove the excess sugar. When your body can’t metabolize the sugar properly, then it can lead to type 2 diabetes. Weight loss surgery can help your body in regulating the insulin. Though the surgery can’t cure the syndrome, it can significantly help manage the insulin problems.(Weight loss surgery and diabetes)

Weight loss surgery decreases risk of heart disease

Obesity is one of the most leading causes of heart disease. Women with PCOS are even at higher risk of heart disease as is combined with obesity. Studies conducted on patients with PCOS who gone through weight loss surgery reduces their threat of heart disease by 20%-80% within a decade of the surgery.(Weight loss surgery to reduce heart disease risk)

While any kind of surgery involves certain risks, for few patients the benefits far outweigh the risks. You need to consult your doctor to find out whether you are a good candidate for weight loss surgery.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

13. April 2013 06:28 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Exercise May Speed Up Your Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass

A new study suggests that people who have undergone weight loss surgery to manage their obesity may lose more weight when they follow regular exercise regimen.

Nowadays more and more adults are considering gastric bypass surgery in an effort to lose weight. Weight loss procedures that restrict the amount of food you take can drive considerable weight loss and also help to control diseases related to obesity such as diabetes.

Regular workout is a well-known method to keep your body weight in control. It is not yet evident whether people who begin exercise after gastric bypass fare any better than people who stay sedentary. The new research suggests that they do.

Researchers found that people who became more active after the surgery lost more weight than those who remain active. Just like your new lifestyle involves eating smaller portions and sticking with low fat foods, you need to make physical activity a part of your daily routine for the success of your weight loss surgery. Also, remember that weight loss surgery is not to become skinny, but to become healthy. Also, the goal is not to look better, but also to live longer.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

26. March 2013 09:59 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Effective Weight Loss Tips

If you want to lose your excess weight remember these tips and follow them like the rule of thumb, then you can see the optimal result very soon.

Smart snack intake:

Grazing between the meals is used to be on top of the weight list. But now nutrition recommending that t is better to satisfy once craving by having healthy food instead of avoiding it completely. The best products are protein paced foods, a small amount of peanut butter on fruit, etc.

Switch off your TV:

A new study reports that eating while watching TV can make you to eat 40% more food than normal. And driving, texting, or any other activity while eating can also affect your food consumption. Instead of that, completely concentrate on your food while eating.

Drink a lot of water:

Sometimes people may get confused thirst with the hunger. So, you can stop eating extra food when a glass of water is actually what you require. If you don’t want to drink simply plain water, then you can drink by adding citrus juice, or brew teas such as peach or mango.

Take several small meals in a day:

You will lose excess weight, when you take fewer calories than actually you burn. But, if you are really hungry, then eat fewer calories for several times.

Add spice:

Include chilies or spices to your daily food for the flavor, which can be helpful to you to feel satisfied. Foods, which contain flavor, can stimulate the taste buds and that to be more satisfying, so that you won’t eat much.

Do exercise:

Physical activity is very important for you if you are trying to lose your weight, so keep doing exercise regularly and build it as a lifelong habit.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

3. July 2012 09:35 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Vitamin Deficiency after Bariatric Surgery

In Gastric Bypass Surgery the small bowel section is bypassed. Most of the vitamins are absorbed by this small bowel only. With this surgery, stomach is divided into small pouches and some part of the stomach may be removed. It often provides permanent changes to the gastrointestinal system. Which may leads to vitamin deficiency and nutritional consequences.

Common Mineral and vitamin Deficiencies after bariatric surgery includes:

1. Vitamin B12

2. Iron

3. Calcium

4. Vitamin A

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin B12: For healthy activity of the nervous system and brain, vitamin B12 is essential. Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to neurological disorders and pernicious anemia. Vitamin B12 is available in poultry, meat, egg, fish and milk products, but all these are not acceptable in starting months after the surgery. Even though vitamin B12 supplements are recommended for life long after the bariatric surgery. It is better to take the supplements in the form of injection and liquid instead of pill. It has to be swallowed so the absorption may be imperfect which may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency.

Iron: Transportation of oxygen from lungs to the blood stream can be done by Iron. This vitamin is available in seafood, meat and poultry. Organ meat and red meat are excellent for iron in diet. After the surgery, some patients never retain the ability of tolerating this food. Depending on the sex and age of the person, Iron Supplements are necessary after the Surgery. It can be taken in the form of pill. If the deficiency of iron is severe, frequent iron transfusions may require.

Calcium: It is essential for the proper functioning of cells. Such as muscle contraction, blood clotting, cellular communication and enzyme reactions. It gives strength to the teeth and bones. Calcium deficiency occurs after bypass surgery due to bypassing the duodenum in the process of surgery.

To fulfill the calcium requirement in the body, supplements are necessary. But the calcium supplement type is very important. Vitamin D with calcium citrate is a preferred form after the bariatric surgery. Mostly calcium supplements are available in the form of grocery stroes, pharmacies, and calcium carbonate, but they are not absorbed as much after surgery and should avoid.
Vitamin A: It contains retinoid which are essential for the visual activity, cell proliferation and immunological functioning. It is available from liver, green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes. Vitamin A deficiency may lead to xerosis, night blindness, imperfect immunity.

Vitamin D: Need of phosphorus and calcium in the body can be regulated by Vitamin D. For the absorption of the calcium in the body, Vitamin D is necessary. Vitamin D deficiency can cause osteoporosis. It is available in milk products, tuna and samon.Vitamin D levels can be increased by sunlight.

At the time of bariatric surgery, small intestine is bypassed which absorbs the majority of calcium which may leads to vitamin D deficiency postoperatively.

Other than these Vitamin E, thiamin, selenium deficiencies may also occur after the surgery.

22. December 2011 20:08 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Cutting Carbs from The Diet Can Encourage Weight Loss

According to new study, cutting carbohydrates from the diet for at least two days a week can encourage weight loss.

Also, researchers found that women who particularly cut carbs from their diet for two days and eating normally for the remaining days of the week have dropped about 9 pounds on average when compared to the women who cut 1500 calories every day from the diet.

Some studies proved that limiting the carbohydrate intake has the similar effects that are shown from restricting the energy. Low-carb diet helps people to lose weight because it allows people to still eat foods that are satisfying and fulfilling.

Researchers are now trying to find a low-carb diet that will be easier for women because obesity and the changes it brings to a woman’s body can increase the risk of breast cancer. So, losing weight can decrease the risk of breast cancer. Family history of breast cancer can also increase its incidence.

The doctors recommend that this something that every obese individual should try at home. Just you need to considerably cut down the carbohydrate intake for two days a week and the only thing is you need to eat sensibly for the rest of the week.

For the two days on which you are on low-carb diet should eat healthy protein and healthy fat, but avoid eating pasta, bread, root vegetables like carrots, parsnips and potatoes. For the low-carb days, you can eat one piece of fruit. Some other foods you can eat include: nuts, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, and eggplant.

Even you don’t experience any results with the diet or any other techniques, you can consult a weight loss surgeon to know about the better options.

9. December 2011 03:38 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Bariatric Surgery May Help with Your Heart Health

Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective weight loss procedures for severely obese people. These surgeries promote weight loss by altering the anatomy of digestive system, by limiting the amount of food that can be consumed and also digested.

Apart from losing great amounts of weight, people who have gone through any kind of bariatric surgery reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by almost 50%. Still the connection between obesity and cardiovascular disease is not fully understood; however obese people often show signs of structural changes to the heart, including excess heart muscle mass in the left ventricle and enlargement of the right ventricular cavity. Both the conditions are connected to heart failure and various other problems.

Also, people who have gone through the bariatric surgery noticed a significant improvement in diabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, all these are risk factors of cardiovascular disease.

9. September 2011 21:49 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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