Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery is known as the most effective and also long lasting weight loss treatment for excessively obese patients and also to cure so many health issues.

When thinking about weight loss, generally people want extreme weight loss in less time. But for so many reasons, sometimes open surgeries seem too expensive, too risky or too drastic. Less invasive surgeries provide same potentially lifesaving outcomes like traditional open weight loss surgery but with significantly fewer complications and less pain. Typically patient can return to home within 2 to 4 days following their surgery.


Normal Open weight loss surgery needs a single large cut extending from lower edge of breastbone to just down to the belly button, generally 10 to 14 inches length. But laparoscopic method needs 5 or 6 small cuts, which range from 1/4 to 3/4 inch length.

In this less invasive surgery, laparoscope is inserted, which is a small tube with the tiny video camera at the end, through the 10-millimeter incision made in middle of the abdomen. Then the surgeon inserts the surgical instruments from the additionally made incisions in order to perform operation. In this entire process, the laparoscopic camera projects the magnified and high-resolution image of the surgical area onto the multiple monitors, and allows the surgeon to perform the surgery safely with high precision. And people who have the laparoscopic weight loss surgery experience less pain, which can be resolved with over-the-counter medicines.

Minimally invasive surgery has benefits like less muscle and skin trauma, less, shorter painful recovery, less scarring, and fewer incisions issues like hernias and infections.

If this laparoscopic surgery is performed by the skilled surgeon, then it is an effective and safe treatment for morbidly obese patients. Contact us at to know more about the surgery. 

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

8. February 2013 23:29 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery-Aftercare

Weight loss surgery can alter every aspect of the life. By having a successful surgery you’ll become healthy, look different, and probably you will feel much better.

However the changes may run much deeper than those. Most of your old behaviors, habits will have to changed. This can change your feelings about yourself, relationships with others, and also your total way of living.

After having weight loss surgery you have to face another important phase that is aftercare. This is the phase in which an experienced physician will observe your day to day progress and also help you to lose the desired amount of weight in a healthiest possible way. After having weight loss surgery, patients need to follow the strict rules in regards to their general lifestyle and also dieting.

If you want to undergo the weight loss surgery it is necessary to know exactly what to expect and for what you are committing yourself. Here are some important changes that you may face followed by the weight loss surgery.

·         Primary Recovery: How much time it will need to get recovered? That will based on the type of surgical treatment you had. For adjustable gastric banding recovery time is less as compared to gastric bypass surgery. You can ask your doctor about this.

·         Post Surgical Risks: Same as any kind of surgery, this also has side effects and risks. The weight loss surgery risks include blood clots, infections, and pneumonia.  Late complication may also occur; these include bowel obstruction or hernia development. Erosion around the band and band slippage are uncommon complications, but they may also occur.

Generally all these risks are very much lower for the minimally invasive surgery and even when it is carried out by an experienced surgeon. It is very important to follow the doctor’s advice for faster recovery, and know about the symptoms which require immediate checkup:

·         Eating Habits: Weight loss surgery can dramatically change your eating the way you eat. Meals might have reduced than previous. You should have small amounts of meals very slowly and chew properly. Usually doctors recommend small meals a day and that to specific foods only. Generally drinking during the meals is not advised. Because it can wash out the food from stomach very quickly and also interfere with the feeling of fullness.

·         Nutrition: Prior to the surgery, getting nutrients was very easy, but after having weight loss surgery patient have to eat much less, so it is essential to have much nutrient food after surgery. Consult your doctor for advice on the healthy post operative care.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

19. November 2012 09:17 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the surgical methods of weight loss. In this procedure, stomach will be reduced to 25% of its normal size; by using this surgery, a large part of the stomach will be removed. And then open edges are attached together to form the tube or sleeve with the banana shape. This method permanently decreases the stomach size. This surgery is performed laparoscopically and it is not reversible.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the restrictive method without using any malabsorptive components that are present in other weight loss procedures. This is a fashionable procedure, in this approximately 70% of the stomach will be removed, which releases hunger hormone called ghrelin that results in a smaller, new stomach that is roughly the shape and size of a tube or sleeve. This will provide decreased appetite and increased satiety.

With this decreased stomach size, patient feels full after eating less food, takes in lesser calories, and then loses weight. Hungry hormone drive will be taken away after this surgery, so patents do not feel hungry.


Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a very simple procedure than the gastric bypass surgery, because it doesn’t require reconnecting or rerouting the intestine. The Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is performed with small incisions, and it takes about an hour to perform. Same as the adjustable gastric band, and roux-en-Y gastric bass, this procedure is conducted in minimally invasive manner through small incisions. As in this laparoscopic gastric bypass, camera, harmless gas and instruments would be utilized.


Particularly this procedure is indicated for people who are at high risk for the bypass procedure, have complex surgical history or high BMI. To avoid potential risks of the foreign body, patients can also consider the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy procedure instead of gastric banding procedure.


·         Stomach size will be reduced without any loss of function or anatomy change. This will result in few chances of developing lack of minerals and vitamins and eliminate the dumping syndrome in the gastric bypass surgery.

·         Almost 75% weight loss of overweight.

·         Too much decrease in the ghrelin.

·         In this no implantable band devices are used, so erosion or slippage is not a risk.

·         Surgical risks lesser than with gastric bypass surgery, but weight loss is same.

·         This is performed by using minimally invasive method, which helps in reducing the recovery time.

·         No device is used, it only requires adjustment. The band is inserted, so follow up hygiene is not as acute as it would be with band.

·         Reduces the chances of developing ulcers.

·         Fewer visits than the lap Band, because here no need for the adjustment of band size.

Recovery Period:

·         You may need to stay 2 days in the hospital.

·         You can return to your daily routine within 3-4 days.

·         Usually complete surgical recovery occurs in 7-10 days.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

18. April 2012 07:05 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Know More About Gastric Sleeve Diet

The Gastric sleeve surgery is also called as vertical sleeve gastrectomy or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. It is a restrictive method of bariatric surgery, which helps in losing the excess weight by limiting the intake of food and suppressing hunger sensations. In this surgery a large portion of the stomach will be removed, by keeping the edges of the stomach intact. In this method the intestine does not rerouted thus the normal procedures of the stomach can be resumed. That is why it is considered as a safest surgery as compared to the other methods.

Immediately after the gastric bypass surgery you are unable to eat till one or two days. After some days you will be able to take some specific diet. The aim of the gastric sleeve diet is to help the healing process of your body, reduces stress on surgical injuries and allows your body to adjust for new digestion system.

Diet recommendations fallowed by gastric sleeve surgery are aimed to facilitate your body and digestion system into a gradual adjustment to its new things.

·         Most often post-operative recovery diet includes low calorie, nutritional regimes, which predispose the digestion system to pass from clear liquids to smooth paste food and finally come back to the normal meals.

·         Diet recommendations after the gastric sleeve surgery mostly focused on the regular consumption of liquids and healthy foods throughout the day and moderate use of meals.

·         Soon after to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body, intravenous liquids are put into the patient’s blood.

There are 3 phases in the gastric sleeve diet:

Liquids: Fluids and foods that are semi liquid and liquid which contain mostly water and they should be at room temperature, such as juice, strained soup, broth, milk, and cooked cereal. This liquid diet will be continued for one to two days.

Pureed foods: Food items with a consistency of thick liquid or smooth paste. This food doesn’t contain distinct pieces. This type of food is generally recommended for 3 or 4 weeks.

Soft Foods: Diet that is easy to chew and tender, such as finely diced or ground meats, soft or canned, cooked vegetables and fresh fruits. You are recommended to this type of food for eight weeks before going for the normal food.

Guidelines for gastric sleeve diet:

·         A typical post-operative diet should contain protein rich diet such as fish, egg, chicken, low-carbohydrate diet such as vegetables and fruits, and low-fat food such as margarine and olive oil.

·         Daily food must be a consumption of 1.5 liters of liquids and fluids, especially water is strongly recommended.

·         Sugar can delays the process of weight loss. Also patients should avoid sugar from their post-op diet. Especially simple sugars would affect the weight loss process. This simple sugar mostly found in fruit juices, candy bars and sodas.

29. January 2012 07:43 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

It is a non-reversible surgery and is performed under general anesthesia and needs 1-2 hours. It needs one or two days hospital stay. The recovery after gastric sleeve surgery takes few weeks time.

Your abdomen becomes swollen and sore for few days. The surgeon may suggest pain medicines to reduce the discomfort. There will be some scarring that can be covered with clothing.

After the surgery, you should be very careful about your eating habits and the solid foods you are consuming. For first few weeks, you need to stick to the liquid diet, then semi solid foods, then pureed foods and finally you can start with solid foods.

People who have undergone the surgery may lose 50-80 percent of the excess body weight for the first six months or up to one year. Several studies proved that people after undergoing the gastric sleeve surgery may get improvements in their diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea within one or two years. All these health improvements are comparable with the other weight loss surgeries.

Since, gastric sleeve is a totally new surgery, there is a limited data available on long-term weight loss or upon any other health improvements. After the surgery recovery, you will notice certain lifestyle changes and essential follow-up care. People who have gastric sleeve surgery should follow:

  • Regular exercise
  • Some behavioral modification techniques
  • Specific dietary guidelines for the rest of the life, such as:

a. Eat slowly and eat small quantities each time consuming the food
b. Chew thoroughly and swallow the food only when it is mashed
c. Also, not eating and drinking the food at the same time

3. December 2011 09:16 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

What You Need To Know About Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve is the modern bariatric surgery procedure designed for permanent weight loss. This procedure involves several small incisions instead of making a large incision. Most of the studies support that this surgery is the primary bariatric procedure for years to come.

The increasing amount of positive results with rapid and sustained weight loss coupled with complete recovery from diabetes and hypertension, can all lead a patient to live longer and healthier. The procedure can increase the quality of life.

People who are more than 100 pounds of weight can undergo gastric sleeve procedure or people who are obese and suffering from weight related issues, such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes can also be suitable for gastric sleeve surgery.

For a free evaluation to see whether you are a suitable candidate for the surgery, you can consult one of our bariatric surgeons.

But, before undergoing the surgery, there are some essential things which you need to follow, such as:

  • You should stop smoking as it may increase the chance of affecting with infections, pneumonia, blood clots and slows down the healing process.
  • You need to follow a diet program recommended by your bariatric surgeon.
1. December 2011 09:30 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

5 Most Successful Procedures For Weight Loss

As non surgical weight loss being impermanent for many people who lose weight, weight loss surgery is becoming more popular. Listed below are the five most promising weight loss procedures to reduce obesity.

Sleeve gastrectomy: Also called as gastric sleeve, is one of the most popularly used weight loss surgeries these days, in which stomach size is reduced to an extent that it appears like a small tube. Not only sleeve gastrectomy helps you eat less, but also reduces hunger by preventing the secretion of hunger hormone called ghrelin.

EndoBarrierTM Gastrointestinal Liner: It is a non surgical procedure that involves insertion of Teflon like liner at the inner side of the small intestines to function as a barrier between the food ingested and a part of the digestive tract responsible for digestion.

TOGA: An acronym for Trans-Oral Gastroplasty, is conducted through the patient’s mouth. It involves endoscoping stapling of the stomach to reduce its ingestion capacity and also the person feels fuller much faster.

POSE: POSE or Primary Obesity Surgery, Endolumenal is an endoscopic procedure to reduce the size of the stomach pouch of a patient that has undergone gastric bypass surgery. In gastric bypass patients, dilation of the stomach pouch leads to overeating. So, POSE helps to reduce the size of the dilated pouch to reduce the amount of food ingested.

Gastric Plication Surgery (GPS): Similar to vertical sleeve gastrectomy, but doesn’t involve reduction or stapling of the stomach. In GPS, stomach is folded on the top itself in order to reduce the amount of space, prompting the patient to reduce the size of meals they are eating.

3. August 2011 20:34 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

How Will A Weight Loss Surgery Affect Your Pregnancy?

In recent years most people are undergoing weight loss surgery. Women undergoing the surgery are increasing, particularly during their childbearing ages. The most common weight loss surgery that women are considering is sleeve gastrectomy.

Sleeve gastrectomy is the weight loss procedure in which the surgeon staples the stomach across the top and leaves a small pouch that can hold only a small portion of the food. After that the surgeon cuts a part of the intestine and sews it onto the pouch. This surgery restricts your ability to absorb calories from the food.

Effects of weight loss surgery on your pregnancy:

Early reports suggest that weight loss surgeries can cause more complications during pregnancy such as bleeding in the stomach or intestines, anemia, incomplete growth of the baby in the uterus. But, according to the recent studies, weight loss surgery helps to protect obese women and their babies from several health complications during pregnancy. They include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Cesarean delivery
  • Overweight babies

Also reports said that weight loss surgery may boost a woman’s fertility. Women who have fertility problems due to obesity when undergo weight loss surgery can ovulate regularly for the initial time in years. Women who have PCOS may also observe great change in their fertility after undergoing the surgery.

Here are few things for women who are considering weight loss surgery and planning for pregnancy in future:

  • Women who have undergone bariatric surgery should weight 18 months before getting pregnant. After having the surgery a woman’s body goes through several stressful changes and major nutritional disturbances that can cause problems to a growing baby.
  • Weight loss surgery is not suggested for every woman who wants to become pregnant in near future. It is only for women who are extremely obese and have health problems due to overweight.
  • After the surgery, you need to monitor your nutrient intake closely.
  • You should know that your risk of complications drops but they don’t go away.
  • You are more likely to have a cesarean.

Before undergoing the surgery, talk to a bariatric surgeon and also a medical professional who deliver your baby.

22. July 2011 21:17 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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