Diabetes Weight Loss Plan

Obesity is referred to as overweight or excess weight of the body as compared with the standards, which are set by the National institute of health and National lung, blood ad heart institute. This excess weight can come from bone, Body water, muscle, or fat. Weight loss plan is almost recommended for the overweight persons if they have diabetes, because 5% to 10% loss of body weight also is helpful to insulin to work better.

The weight loss formula is very simple: Your energy expenditure must be more than your energy intake.

 Calories that you burn in maintaining your body functions and activity must be more than the calories that you are consuming as food.

Weight loss plan among the person who have diabetes is difficult as their body’s lipid balancing and delicate glucose are disrupted, which causes extra pounds to get resistant to normal diet plans. The following simple weight loss plan can provide health benefits and weight loss to diabetics.

Control your diabetes with diet:

Diabetics are specifically sensitive to the carbohydrates that are on the blood sugar and they would result in increasing the levels of triglycerides. Circulation of excess triglycerides in the blood would result in weight gain.

To treat and prevent diabetes, it is very important to limit carbohydrates in your meal. Eliminate refined carbohydrates from potatoes, breads, and desserts totally. Even vegetables and fruits in high amounts can also create problems with blood sugar, which would depend on metabolism of individual. Be sure to take a fat source with every meal, this would be helpful in regulating the sugar release into the blood. Acquire proteins from turkey, pork and chicken as well as seeds and nuts have less impact on triglyceride and glucose levels.

As you eliminate junk carbohydrate foods from your diet, It would become very easier to monitor the intake of total calories to achieve healthy and slow weight loss. Men should target 1500 calories a day, and women need around 1200 calories per day for effective loss of weight.

Monitor blood sugars after meal:

The effective way to determine the sensitivity of carbohydrate is to test the sugar levels in your blood at one and two hour intervals after having meals. Strong proves exists that shows that it’s the post meal readings of blood sugar which ensures the risk for diabetes complications.

 Regular monitoring of blood sugar to optimal levels would ensure proper functioning of metabolism, reduced weight and improved health.


Compliment your blood sugar monitoring and new diet for weight loss plan with regular workouts. The power doing exercises cannot be ignored, as it would be helpful for muscles to utilize the blood sugar properly for energy. Due to the regular exercises, your body would become metabolically strong and efficient, as triglycerides and sugars are ushered quickly out of your blood after having your each meal.

Resistances training by using power bands or weight in short bursts are the better way to achieve physical health. Resistance exercises will assist your body to regulate blood sugar and insulin naturally, the final result being high amount of weight loss and improved health.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

27. February 2012 20:52 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Bariatric Surgery for Diabetic Patients

If the fat accumulated in the tissues of the body increase more than 20% of the optimal weight that is suitable for age and height of a person, this condition is defined as obesity. Surgical procedures like bariatric surgery would be used for weight loss and to manage morbid obesity. Obesity is one of the major risk factors that cause type 2 diabetes.

Not all persons who have diabetes are considered as suitable candidates for the bariatric surgery. Carbohydrate cravings and binge eating are more common things among diabetics, whenever diabetics are willing to control such behavior, then only weight loss surgery will be more helpful in reducing excess weight.

From recent studies connection between diabetes and bariatric surgery has been explored. From that studies it is observed that individuals who have become diabetic patients in the last few years and who have followed particular dietary habits are likely to acquire best weight loss, and also diabetic remission, followed by a gastric bypass surgery. This weight loss surgery may create complications like coronary heart disease for older diabetics. That is, those who are fitter, younger and who had suffered from diabetes for a short period of time may have a better chance of getting relief from obesity and diabetes with a weight loss surgery.

Type2 diabetes is linked to obesity. Excess amount of fat that is accumulated at abdomen contributes to the body’s reaction to insulin that means excess weight may contribute to develop type 2 diabetes. Blindness, heart disease, kidney, and nerve damage are the complications that are associated with this type 2 diabetes.

Bariatric surgery can be used for patients who have type 2 diabetes; but they are not necessarily obese.

A gastric bypass surgery is a very complicated and irreversible weight loss surgery. During this procedure at the top of the stomach, a small pouch is created, and then this would be directly connected to the middle part of the small intestine, bypassing the upper intestine and rest of the stomach, or duodenum. The part that is bypassed is where there can most easily absorb all the minerals and vitamins, so patients should take care regarding nutritional deficiencies followed by the weight loss surgery.

Many surgeons strongly believe that surgery that bypasses the duodenum is most effective method for controlling the diabetes because the duodenum plays a major role in resistance of insulin, and bypassing this can reduces the resistance of the insulin in patients with diabetes mellitus. A bariatric surgery also results in most weight loss in patients with diabetes.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

12. February 2012 19:34 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Know the Effective of Benefits Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that includes various methods and all are aimed at restricting the intake of food or causing food to go through the gastro intestinal tract with being fully digested or absorbed.

It’s normal to many people who are living with morbid obesity for many years have a serious negative impact on the quality of health and life. Due to this morbid obesity, you may feel that you have bounded career choices.

Weight loss surgery would cure and improve conditions such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure and diabetes. There are several health benefits of bariatric surgery, which include:

Lower risk of some types of cancers: Many studies proven that loss of weight decreases the risks of colon, kidney, breast and esophageal cancer. People who have weight loss surgery are less likely to suffer from cancer than the people who have excess weight. Doctors also believe that the patients who have bariatric surgery, have a slight decrease in developing other types of cancers but these calculations are not in significant number.

Relieves you from low back pain: From recent studies, it has proven that the patients who are suffering from lower back pain prior to bariatric surgery experience marked improvements as soon as 6 weeks after surgery. Reduced pain would allow you to lead a better quality of healthy life.

Breaks the generational obesity cycle: Children born to mothers who have had weight loss surgery are 3 times less likely to develop the problem of obesity. Surgeons feel this because of the fact that the mothers who have had weight loss surgery are educated in taking proper nutrition. Obviously they would pass these habits on to their children. These mothers can also make best food choices about what type food is to be used to feed their child.

Heath benefits include:

High blood pressure:

Excess body weight would be associated with an amplified risk of elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease. These conditions may lead to heart strokes, attacks, and kidney and heart damage. Weight loss surgery would decrease the excess fat levels of the body, which reduce the strain on kidney and heart. Many patients who have had bariatric surgery experienced complete solution for high blood pressure. Alterations in diet and doing exercise after weight loss surgery may lead to prominent improvement of problems related to cardiovascular health.

Type 2 diabetes:

This is a long term metabolic disorder, which resists the production of insulin that is produced by body. Insulin is very important for the body to utilize sugars. Doctors believe that the patient who gone through the weight loss surgery experienced significant resolution of type 2 diabetes.

5. February 2012 18:57 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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