What Happens If the Lap Band Surgery Fails?

A lap band surgery is also referred as laparoscopic adjustable gastric band. Obese patients can be treated with this surgery with body mass index ranging from 35 and above with assured co-morbidities. Obesity can cause various health problems like, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea which are identified to recover through weight loss surgery. Lap band surgery is done using a lap band, which is a silicone device positioned on upper portion of the stomach. The intake of the food is restricted with this surgery.

Lap band surgery failure is of two types:

1. Ineffective weight loss: If the weight loss is between 25 to 30 percent and less of your excess weight then the lap band surgery is deliberated to be a failure. The surgery is said to be successful if weight loss percentage is 50 percent.

2. Risks and complications pertaining to band removal : For some patients band is totally removed because of the complications such as:

a. Band infection: Antibiotics can heal band infections, but sometimes band removal is required. The patients who have band infections may range from 1.5 percent to 5.3 percent.

b. Band leak:  Band leak is usually recognized by injecting colored fluid and x-ray is taken to find any colored fluid leak on outer side of the gastric band.

c. Band erosion: band erosion can happen when band grows up into the tummy. The treatment is enduring in elimination of the band.

d. Band slippage: This can transpire, when the lower portion of the stomach slides all the way through the band, forming a big pouch on top of the band. Band slippage can be repaired by surgical relocation of the lap band or removal of fluid from the band. Two types of band placement techniques are used. They are Pars flaccid technique (PFT) and per gastric technique (PGT).

e. Band intolerance: some patients cannot tolerate the band because the band is a foreign object placed in the stomach. Symptoms of band intolerance include feeling discomfort or uneasiness all the time and have terrible vomiting. Band removal is the only option for band intolerant patients.

f. Bowel functioning: The bowel functioning is distorted after lap band surgery, which may include Dyspagia and Constipation. Swallowing difficulty is called as Dyspagia. The reason for this is not chewing the food properly and taking the food quickly. Constipation is seen in patients. This can be treated with fiber diet (fiber supplements) and drinking lots of water.

g. Esophageal dilation: The expansion of esophagus is seen because of band, which is too tight or incorrectly placed.

h. Food trapping: Food is being trapped in a small opening of digestive system. This can be treated by puncturing the band completely until the food passes by.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

29. April 2013 19:12 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

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The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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