Latest Trends in Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is the long term effective treatment for obese people who are not satisfied with regular diet procedures, exercise and medication. The number of obese people undergoing weight loss surgery is increasing annually. Bariatric surgery usually uses the methodologies of gastric banding, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.  Rather than making larger incisions, surgeons founded newer and safer advanced technologies in bariatric surgery. Here are the new trends in weight loss surgery:

Robot assisted weight loss Surgery:

Robot assisted modern procedure utilizes a Da Vinci robot device to perform surgery. Obese people who undergo this bariatric procedure will have less and they can heal faster. There is no complication in this surgery and it is a safer modern bariatric surgery and also cost effective. There are only few professionals can be able to perform this robot assisted bariatric surgery during these days.

Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES):

This surgery is performed in the perinoteal cavity, by accessing a hollow viscous. In this process the professor uses the mouth, vagina or belly button for bariatric procedure. Small camera and surgical instruments are inserted in the treated gaps, the abdomen is either trimmed or a small bag is sewed into it. There is no incision in this bariatric surgery.  A woman patient may have fear of this surgery because it is done in the vagina but there is no pain because there are no cuts in the skin which reduces the infection. This technique is in review because of using internal organs there may be chance of damage.

Endoluminal surgery:

It is performed by combining invasive and flexible endoscopy surgeries. Endoluminal process is performed in lumen of gastrointestinal.  It uses endobarrier in these nutrients which are partially digested can be transformed to distal intestine.  It has low complications and safer process and there is no incision in this endoluminal surgery.

Single incision surgery:

This surgery is becoming very popular and gaining impression of medical surgeons worldwide. In this surgery a ½ inch of incision is made inside the belly button or in the umbilicus and uses surgical tools with small incision.

 Laparoscopic greater curvature plication (LGCP):

This weight loss process is quite different from the other bariatric procedures. It uses no device or stomach resection. Stomach size can be reduced by non absorbable sutures. It is faster weight loss procedure. The technique involves the dissection of his angel and the fat is removed followed by dissection of greater gastric curvature. And next it is divided from the omentum which is large fatty structure. It has many benefits and no leakage and less risk.

Duodenal jejuna bypass surgery (DJB):

DJB procedure involves a bypass of stomach preserving of small intestine region. The amount of bypassed is equal to the bypassed amount in gastric bypass. It may reverse type2 diabetes for some obese people.

These modern bariatric procedures are beneficial to obese patients with no risks, cost effective and long term weight loss.

19. October 2011 19:01 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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