Plastic Surgery after Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery leads to successful weight loss, after removing excess fat from the body excessive amounts of skin accumulates and the skin becomes loose and hangs in various parts like face, upper and lower abdomen, breasts, flanks, armpit, buttocks, arms, thighs, forearms, legs and calves. The excess skin causes many hygienic problems like skin irritation, skin breakdown, pain and infections. Along with these the patients also face some irregularities in the skin. The fat may not be removed evenly or the weight loss may not happen evenly.

Under all these conditions the patient needs to go for plastic surgery. Especially for the persons who has lost 100lbs or more in a short span after the weight loss surgery has sagging skin in many areas. The skin will be different for the person who has undergone the weight loss surgery when compared to a normal person. The elastic tissues are permanently damaged to a greater extent. The patient’s skin will become saggy with age. The shape of the skin can be improved but the quality cannot be improved.

Patients with excess folds of skin and who are physically healthy and physiologically stable and those who look for more youthful skin by removing the excess sagging skin are the candidates who are eligible for plastic surgery after the weight loss surgery.

Many varieties of surgical procedures are followed and are often necessary at different times depending on the areas or parts which bother you. The surgery is done based on the area which bothers you the most. Surgery is done mostly to the abdomen first, breast lifting, face lift, arm lift are done after that.

Plastic surgery should be done considerably after the person has stabilized after the weight loss surgery. In order to stabilizem, a person requires 18 months or more depending on how much weight the person has lost during the surgery. The plastic surgery should be done to tighten the skin and it should be done gradually giving a gap of at least three months between the operations.

The person may go home after two or three days after the surgery or need to stay in the hospital for two or three days based on the type of surgery the person has undergone. Pain is mild to moderate and the person can take shower on the second or third day. Swelling disappears after 6 weeks. A person who has undergone the plastic surgery can resume some of the activities in the first week and the all the activities normally after four to six weeks.

The results after plastic surgery are very high. The area which has undergone surgery will be tightened and lifted.  Touch ups and revisions are required frequently after the surgery. A person after the surgery will be more confident and can wear all types of clothes which he or she likes. The person will have more natural and good presentable appearance.

26. September 2011 07:33 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Weight Loss Surgery Success Depends On The Right Surgeon

The decision of having weight loss surgery is a big turn in everyone’s life. It might be a mixture of something that you choose to do or something that your doctor has recommended you to consider. Whatever might be the reason; there are various things that you need to consider prior making your final decision.

Most obese people are afraid of the stories that come from people who have undergone the surgery. So, it is very important to do proper research and find the right surgeon for your weight loss success. Before beginning your search for the right surgeon, you need to prepare a list of questions that will be asked.

When you consult your surgeon, initially you need to know whether you are a right person to undergo among the various weight loss procedures. After that you need to know why the surgeon recommends that particular procedure. Then know how many of this kind of procedures the doctor has previously performed and know the reviews from the patients.

Don’t go with general surgeons; you need to find a surgeon who is specialized in the particular field of weight loss surgery. This way, you can be sure that you will get the best based on the surgeon’s experience. If the surgeon is not willing to answer your questions or takes time to answer the questions, then you need to consider that he/she may not be the right choice. Look for more experienced surgeon in the field of weight loss surgeries.

4. September 2011 07:54 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Can Mild Obese People Undergo Bariatric Surgery?

According to new studies, weight loss surgery is suggestible for even mildly obese people. As without any surgery, obese people may not have any hope. Most individuals think that mild obese people shouldn’t go for bariatric surgery and instead they try to lose weight by dieting and working out.

Research suggests that there is only a fraction of mild obese people who lose weight with dieting and exercising. Also the study confirmed that bariatric surgery is cost-effective in spite of the extent of obesity.

Researchers have given below details based on the study

BMI Range

With diseases Diabetes and Hypertension

Cost per quality-adjusted life year gained














Researchers explained that bariatric surgery is cost-effective for obese people with BMI above 35 kg/m2 as incremental cost effective ratios are less than US $4,000 per quality-adjusted life year gained.

The study was conducted on women who have BMI 46 and the average age was 45. People who have undergone surgery, the life expectancy was about 38 years and people who don’t have any surgery, the life expectancy was 32 years.

28. August 2011 19:16 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Know the Most Common Contributors of Obesity

It is a common misconception that overweight people are lazy and spend their time in just eating. But, in most cases, obesity is related to various personal issues and compulsive overeating has become a part of the problem.

Several things such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, unemployment, marriage breakup, or bereavement, all can cause mental trauma and often people find solace in food.

Not any diet plans will help until the root cause of obesity is discovered, however it can take many years of therapy. Factors like broken heart or death of a dear loved one can never be recovered from. For all these factors, changing the eating habits can bring some improvement but only physically not on any emotional level. Also, changing the deep rooted habits rather than eating candy after a bad day can help prevent obesity.

Some people replace the food with alcohol or drugs, which also has several consequences. Obesity puts people at greater risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Obesity affects every part of your body. Just like anti-ageing and cosmetic surgery, the weight loss surgery is worth billions of dollars.

Instead of adopting a well balanced diet along with a regular exercise routine, there is no actual diet that has a miracle solution. Weight loss is a hard work, however if emotional element can be removed it will be great help.

16. August 2011 02:10 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Is It Worth To Consider Lap Band Surgery?

Lap band surgery, also called as adjustable gastric banding surgery (LAGB), is one of the most popular weight loss procedures nowadays. But several researches suggest that this weight loss surgery may not be successful without several pitfalls.

Making a decision to have lap band surgery is a big step, so make sure that you are prepared well for everything that lies ahead. All the decisions that need to be made are crucial and they should be given the utmost attention.

When you are decided to make such a big step, it is important to choose a qualified surgeon to fulfill all your needs. Spend some time to select the surgeon who is expert in performing the surgery. Good experience can make a huge difference in the success of your surgery. Doctor referrals are a good way to find a bariatric surgeon. Ask your primary care physician to make any recommendations of doctors who specialize in lap band surgery. Also search internet and visit the doctor’s website to find the information about their practice. Several surgeons host seminars for general public regarding weight loss procedures, where you can find more information.

After selecting the best bariatric surgeon, then cost is the thing that makes a big difference on your surgery. The costs can differ based on where the procedure is conducted and on the persons specific condition. It is very important to note all related costs and consider all the financial issues before the surgery takes place. While discussing the costs, you should ask about all the costs of the lap band surgery from start to finish. The totals cost includes: pre-op tests, physician charges, hospital charges, and associated surgery fees. Generally, the cost of the lap band surgery can range from $17,000 to $30,000.

After the surgery, you can expect gradual weight loss for up to two years. Weight loss after stomach banding is usually much slower than that following gastric bypass. The surgery is less invasive with less operative risk. There is less blood loss, shorter hospital stay and decreased complications rate.

7. August 2011 20:58 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

5 Most Successful Procedures For Weight Loss

As non surgical weight loss being impermanent for many people who lose weight, weight loss surgery is becoming more popular. Listed below are the five most promising weight loss procedures to reduce obesity.

Sleeve gastrectomy: Also called as gastric sleeve, is one of the most popularly used weight loss surgeries these days, in which stomach size is reduced to an extent that it appears like a small tube. Not only sleeve gastrectomy helps you eat less, but also reduces hunger by preventing the secretion of hunger hormone called ghrelin.

EndoBarrierTM Gastrointestinal Liner: It is a non surgical procedure that involves insertion of Teflon like liner at the inner side of the small intestines to function as a barrier between the food ingested and a part of the digestive tract responsible for digestion.

TOGA: An acronym for Trans-Oral Gastroplasty, is conducted through the patient’s mouth. It involves endoscoping stapling of the stomach to reduce its ingestion capacity and also the person feels fuller much faster.

POSE: POSE or Primary Obesity Surgery, Endolumenal is an endoscopic procedure to reduce the size of the stomach pouch of a patient that has undergone gastric bypass surgery. In gastric bypass patients, dilation of the stomach pouch leads to overeating. So, POSE helps to reduce the size of the dilated pouch to reduce the amount of food ingested.

Gastric Plication Surgery (GPS): Similar to vertical sleeve gastrectomy, but doesn’t involve reduction or stapling of the stomach. In GPS, stomach is folded on the top itself in order to reduce the amount of space, prompting the patient to reduce the size of meals they are eating.

3. August 2011 20:34 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Bariatric Surgery And Depression

The sole purpose of bariatric surgery is to lose weight. Weight loss can be usually achieved by reducing the size of the stomach by either removing a portion of the stomach with either biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch or sleeve gastrectomy or with an implanted device called gastric banding. Gastric bypass surgery is also a method that involves restriction and re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch.

Studies proved that these procedures can significantly reduce long-term weight loss. Due to this, patients have recovered from several diseases like diabetes and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Research has shown that most people who are overweight experience depression and also other mental health problems. Patients with these problems who want to consider bariatric surgery are needed to have a complete mental evaluation before the surgery. But, the history of depression may not prevent the surgery from taking place.

Bariatric patients who suffer from depression can experience health problems and quality of life improvements when compared to non-depressed patients. Use of antidepressants by patients who had depression decreased it by about 20 percent one year after the surgery and remain at that level after three years of follow-up.

Anxiety and depression are common among people with chronic conditions like type-2 diabetes and obesity and these conditions can sometimes interfere with treatment.

31. July 2011 21:07 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

How Will A Weight Loss Surgery Affect Your Pregnancy?

In recent years most people are undergoing weight loss surgery. Women undergoing the surgery are increasing, particularly during their childbearing ages. The most common weight loss surgery that women are considering is sleeve gastrectomy.

Sleeve gastrectomy is the weight loss procedure in which the surgeon staples the stomach across the top and leaves a small pouch that can hold only a small portion of the food. After that the surgeon cuts a part of the intestine and sews it onto the pouch. This surgery restricts your ability to absorb calories from the food.

Effects of weight loss surgery on your pregnancy:

Early reports suggest that weight loss surgeries can cause more complications during pregnancy such as bleeding in the stomach or intestines, anemia, incomplete growth of the baby in the uterus. But, according to the recent studies, weight loss surgery helps to protect obese women and their babies from several health complications during pregnancy. They include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Cesarean delivery
  • Overweight babies

Also reports said that weight loss surgery may boost a woman’s fertility. Women who have fertility problems due to obesity when undergo weight loss surgery can ovulate regularly for the initial time in years. Women who have PCOS may also observe great change in their fertility after undergoing the surgery.

Here are few things for women who are considering weight loss surgery and planning for pregnancy in future:

  • Women who have undergone bariatric surgery should weight 18 months before getting pregnant. After having the surgery a woman’s body goes through several stressful changes and major nutritional disturbances that can cause problems to a growing baby.
  • Weight loss surgery is not suggested for every woman who wants to become pregnant in near future. It is only for women who are extremely obese and have health problems due to overweight.
  • After the surgery, you need to monitor your nutrient intake closely.
  • You should know that your risk of complications drops but they don’t go away.
  • You are more likely to have a cesarean.

Before undergoing the surgery, talk to a bariatric surgeon and also a medical professional who deliver your baby.

22. July 2011 21:17 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery - Know More About It

Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive weight loss procedure. It is restrictive in the sense that ‘restricts’ the amount of food the stomach can hold. In this procedure, stomach is reduced to 25% of the original size and a major portion of the stomach is removed. The open edges are attached leaving a small sleeve or tube, which is shaped like banana. Hence, the name sleeve gastrectomy.

The surgery is performed laproscopically involves stapling of the stomach upon removal of the left side of the stomach. Stapling of the stomach is done by harmonic stapling device. The surgery is performed by making a curve on the stomach. Surgery of the stomach is completed laproscopically and is irreversible.

Sleeve gastrectomy is performed on patients with BMI (Body mass index) more then 40, who are exceptionally considered as obese. Patients with high BMI rate are at increased risk of bariatric surgery. Hence, surgeon recommends the first part of sleeve gastrectomy to be performed in two stages. The first stage of surgery called as sleeve gastrectomy, helps to reduce weight for the first year earlier to second stage of surgery called as duodenal switch or gastric bypass surgery. For remaining weight loss, bypass is suggested. Complications related to weight loss are very less as the patient losses weight from sleeve gastrectomy. Therefore, the risks are very low associated with second surgery to do bypass. If patient losses weight by sleeve gastrectomy then the second stage of surgery is not required.

Sleeve gastrectomy advantages:

·         The surgery is done laparoscopically

·         The procedure performed is simpler compared to gastric bypass

·         The recovery time is very shorter

·         Pyloric part of stomach is left integral owing to dumping syndrome

·         The operative time is very less than bypass surgery

·         Foreign bodies are not used in this surgery

·         Less pain, fewer incisions

·         Condensed stomach volume enhances the sense of fullness

·         Functioning of stomach is normal only when a small quantity of food is allowed.

·         Hunger invigorating hormone is detached from the stomach portion

·         For morbidly obese sleeve gastrectomy is a safer procedure

Sleeve gastrectomy disadvantages:

·         Leakages and hemorrhages are seen sometimes, because of intra-abdominal pressure as a portion of stomach is removed and the edges are stapled. These kinds of leakages can be easily treated further.

·         Irreversible

·         Hernia is one of the possible complications. Therefore, surgery is required to treat the condition. Fifteen percent of the cases are seen.                                     

·         A hollow tube as passage linking the walls of the abdomen and stomach is called gastric fistula created by surgery. This is another possible complication.

·         Gastro esophageal reflux the irritation caused due to acids in the stomach, which leads to heartburn. It is uncomfortable as it is caused due to the changes in the shape of the stomach.

12. July 2011 22:18 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

What To Expect After Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric weight loss surgery is not a quick fix. It is a continuing journey to weight loss through lifestyle alterations. Following the surgery, difference in your body makes it physically easier to adjust with your eating and lifestyle habits.

Life after the bariatric surgery brings a drastic change in your life. Weight loss surgery is not a cure for obesity, but it is a process to help you lose weight for living a longer, healthier and more fulfilling life. Success of the surgery mainly depends on your ability to follow the guidelines for exercise, diet as well as lifestyle changes.

Medications after the surgery

After the surgery, you can’t take whole pills. You need to make adjustments to your medicine regime at the time of your operation, so that you can safely continue taking the comparable daily dosage. To prevent ulcers, your doctor will recommend a daily acid reducer like cimetidine or ranitidine. Avoid consuming non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, Celebrex, aspirin, Motrin, Naprosyn, and Advil. These medications can cause ulcer formation. After undergoing the surgery, it is more difficult to diagnose and treat ulcers.

Your doctor will recommend a daily dosage of multivitamin and minerals supplement containing a minimum of 400 mcg of folic acid.

Returning to work

Ability to returning to your daily activities will depend on your physical condition and the type of surgery you had. Most of the people who experienced bariatric surgery will return to their work within one to three weeks after the surgery. Patients who had open surgery will return to work after six weeks.

Pregnancy and birth control

Pregnancy places added demands on your body and the possibility for fetal damage make this a most considerable necessity. Women who want to use birth control should consider the most effective forms for first 16-24 months after the surgery.

Follow-ups after bariatric surgery

We all know the short-term effects of bariatric surgery very well, but there are still questions to be answered about the long-term effects on your body system and nutrition. Nutritional deficiencies that occur over the course of many years need to be studies and mostly depend on your diet after the surgery. You need to take regular visit to your doctor for anemia, vitamin B12, folate and iron levels.

Support groups

Support groups can provide patients a chance to discuss their personal and professional problems. Keep contact with a weight-loss or bariatric support group. The key is to maintain a well-balanced diet and moderately strenuous activity.

6. July 2011 04:29 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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