Exercise May Speed Up Your Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass

A new study suggests that people who have undergone weight loss surgery to manage their obesity may lose more weight when they follow regular exercise regimen.

Nowadays more and more adults are considering gastric bypass surgery in an effort to lose weight. Weight loss procedures that restrict the amount of food you take can drive considerable weight loss and also help to control diseases related to obesity such as diabetes.

Regular workout is a well-known method to keep your body weight in control. It is not yet evident whether people who begin exercise after gastric bypass fare any better than people who stay sedentary. The new research suggests that they do.

Researchers found that people who became more active after the surgery lost more weight than those who remain active. Just like your new lifestyle involves eating smaller portions and sticking with low fat foods, you need to make physical activity a part of your daily routine for the success of your weight loss surgery. Also, remember that weight loss surgery is not to become skinny, but to become healthy. Also, the goal is not to look better, but also to live longer.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

26. March 2013 09:59 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Diet After Bariatric Surgery To Ensure Good Health

Diet after bariatric surgery is what you will be following for the first 2 to 8 weeks after you have your weight loss surgery. The diet is going to be completely different than anything you are probably used to. The most important thing is, you need to understand what you are allowed to eat and that you are completely ready for diet after bariatric surgery.

For initial two weeks, you will be completely on liquid diet. Bariatric patients should strictly follow the right dietary guidelines recommended by the surgeon or dietician. Here is the sample diet plan after bariatric surgery for 10-12 weeks:

Day one- three: During this period, you are only allowed to take only liquids.

  • Liquids: Take only high protein liquids, water and beverages like decaffeinated and unsweetened tea.
  • Soft foods: You are not allowed to consume soft foods during this period.
  • Solid foods: You are not allowed to take solid foods during this period.

Three-four weeks: In this period, you are allowed to take liquids and few soft foods.

  • Liquid foods: Take skim milk, low calorie liquids containing high proteins and broth.
  • Soft foods: Soft foods and pureed foods with no pieces in the paste form.
  • Solid foods: You are not allowed to take any solid foods during this period.

Four-eight weeks: During this period, you are allowed to take liquids and some soft foods.

  • Liquid foods: Take liquids that are high in protein, water diluted juice, decaffeinated tea and coffee.
  • Soft foods: You can consume eggs, meat, yogurt, tofu, fat-free beans, soups, oatmeal, softened vegetable, very dry toast, soft lettuce, potatoes.
  • Solid foods: During this period, you are not allowed to take any solid foods.

Ten-twelve weeks: In this time, you can take liquids, soft foods as well as some solid foods.

  • Liquid foods: You can start consuming high protein liquids.
  • Soft foods: You can take low-fat, low calories, fat free, sugar free and high protein foods.
  • Solid foods: Start taking seafood; ground pork, chicken, beef and tender; lean meats; tofu; fruits and vegetables

The above mentioned diet after bariatric surgery is good for every patient. Similar to some foods that you need to take, there are certain foods that you need to avoid, such as:

  • Fried and junk foods
  • Crunchy foods such as nuts, chips, popcorn, raw veggies, fruit skins and iceberg lettuce
  • High-fat foods such as mayonnaise, whole milk, cream, sour cheese, hard cheeses, desserts, salad dressings and bacon
  • Sticky foods like macaroni, pasta, cheese, peanut butter, and rice
  • Tough meats or rubbery textured foods like hot dogs, steak and salami

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

13. March 2013 23:55 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Risk Of Obesity On Expecting Mothers

Healthy weight is most recommended for women who want to conceive. In obese women, fatty ovaries can cause harm to the embryonic development and finally lead to failed pregnancies. Recent study stated that women to avoid being overweight if they want to become pregnant.

Also, the research explained why obese women and women with diabetes often find difficult to conceive. These women tend to metabolize more stored fat that lead to increased fatty acid levels in the ovaries.

Research discovered that embryos made from the fat filled eggs had very few cells and underwent variations in genes and metabolic activities. Also, the higher levels of fatty acids can greatly affect egg development in the ovaries. Embryos that produce successful pregnancies tended to have a quieter, less active metabolism.

When eggs were exposed to higher fatty acids, then it results in increased amino acid metabolism and distorted oxygen consumption, glucose consumption and lactate. All these can lead to impaired metabolic regulation and decreased viability.

Obese women who want to become pregnant can consider bariatric surgery for weight loss. Here you can find more information on how weight loss surgery affects your pregnancy.

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4. March 2013 11:23 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

How Diabetes Can Be Affected With Bariatric Surgery?

Excessive body weight is one of the reasons for diabetes. Obesity and diabetes are mostly related. Many people who are diagnosed with diabetes are obese or over weight. The development of diabetes can be doubled in obese people. Type2 diabetes is most closely related to obesity. Bariatric surgery is the process of weight loss surgery to cure the diabetes disease. Obesity related health problems such as diabetes can be treated with this surgery. It is the cost effective surgery to reduce the weight loss to treat the disease. By maintaining our body weight we can manage blood sugar levels to control the diabetes.  

Bariatric surgery includes many procedures performed on obesity. Weight loss can be achieved by reducing the stomach size with implanted medical device or through removing portion of stomach. All these procedures cause significant weight loss to recover from diabetes. This surgery is appropriate for people with BMI above 35kg/m2. Professional physicians can suggest who are suitable for this bariatric surgery to treat diabetes with weight loss. Several surgical procedures are there for weight loss to treat type2 diabetes.

Bariatric surgery includes many procedures:

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric binding limits the intake of food with adjustable band to constrict the upper stomach to reduce the weight. It is the safe weight loss procedure.

Sleeve gastrectomy in which stomach size is reduced to 15% of its original size by removing larger portion of the stomach. This procedure is performed laparoscopically.

Gastric bypass is a small stomach upper pouch created and connected to the small intestine. This is the most widely performed in US for weight loss.

Gastroplasty, which is surgically decrease the stomach size for weight loss to manage diabetes disease.

Billiopancreatic diversion is to restrict the capacity of the stomach and to divide the intestine into three limbs. First one is to carry food, next limb to carry pancreatic juice and bile and one common limb is to join first two limbs. This procedure is the most effective process for weight loss. We can reduce lot of weight by undergoing this process.

Even after the bariatric surgery patients are restricted to take liquid diet until they adapt for new gastric system. Bariatric surgery is most significant treatment for weight loss to treat diabetes. Among diabetes patients there was 40-60% weight loss of original body weight with this surgery. Regardless of the procedures 86% of the diabetes disease is treated with surgery.

After surgery it is important to follow surgeon’s instruction to control weight for treating diabetes disease. It is not recommended for children and people aged more than 60 years. Maintaining proper diet after surgery is the key point to keep the weight consistent. Bariatric surgery shows best results in blood sugar level and improvement to treat type2 diabetes disease for obese people.

Weight loss surgery in Orange County offers you best surgery services in reducing the weight as well as diabetes. For more information about bariatric surgery Orange County, you can visit our site.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

20. February 2013 10:58 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Who Can Consider The Weight Loss Surgery?

Severe obesity is a chronic condition that is really very difficult to treat. Some people may consider weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery to restrict the food intake or interrupt the digestive process. But, people should clearly understand the pros and cons associated with the surgery prior making a decision.

Undergoing weight loss surgery because of obesity is a major decision that will change your life forever. Obesity can cause several health diseases and sicknesses that deprive you from a full life. Sometimes the usual regime like exercise routines, changing dietary habits and gaining nutritional education may not help you lose weight. Dieting and exercise may not always a viable and preferable treatment for obesity. But every one can’t undergo weight loss surgery.

You could be a candidate for surgical weight loss if you meet any of the following criteria:

·         Weight loss surgery is considered by people who are obese. People who have BMI higher than 40 are considered as obese people.

·         Also, overweight people who experience severe health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease and blood pressure because of obesity can consider weight loss surgery. In this case, people who have BMI less than 40 may also consider the surgery.

·         If you are unable to get a healthy body weight for a specific period of time, even through medically supervised dieting, you can consider weight loss surgery.

BMI Level


Health Risk

Under 18.5



18.5 - 24.9

Normal Weight


25 - 29.9



30 - 34.9



35 - 39.9

Severely Obese

Very High

40 and Over

Morbidly Obese

Extremely High


Weight loss surgery in appropriate candidates leads to reduction of disease in more than 50% of subjects. People who do not get any improvement in their disease can improve their glucose levels. Most people think that weight loss surgery as kind of a failure, but the truth is it has less to do with the patient’s attempt and more to do with the hormones and genetics.

Undergoing the surgery doesn’t impose any risks on your body, but diabetics have increased risks, such as bleeding, infection, and in rare cases, death. Diabetics may have weaker heart and disease affects the recovery process. Also, patients must be emotionally and mentally ready for surgery and the lasting change in their eating habits. So, the decision to undergo the treatment can only be ended after a careful evaluation.

Weight loss surgery in Orange County can offer you best services to meet with your needs. You can contact our bariatric surgeons for your case evluation.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

12. February 2013 09:25 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery is known as the most effective and also long lasting weight loss treatment for excessively obese patients and also to cure so many health issues.

When thinking about weight loss, generally people want extreme weight loss in less time. But for so many reasons, sometimes open surgeries seem too expensive, too risky or too drastic. Less invasive surgeries provide same potentially lifesaving outcomes like traditional open weight loss surgery but with significantly fewer complications and less pain. Typically patient can return to home within 2 to 4 days following their surgery.


Normal Open weight loss surgery needs a single large cut extending from lower edge of breastbone to just down to the belly button, generally 10 to 14 inches length. But laparoscopic method needs 5 or 6 small cuts, which range from 1/4 to 3/4 inch length.

In this less invasive surgery, laparoscope is inserted, which is a small tube with the tiny video camera at the end, through the 10-millimeter incision made in middle of the abdomen. Then the surgeon inserts the surgical instruments from the additionally made incisions in order to perform operation. In this entire process, the laparoscopic camera projects the magnified and high-resolution image of the surgical area onto the multiple monitors, and allows the surgeon to perform the surgery safely with high precision. And people who have the laparoscopic weight loss surgery experience less pain, which can be resolved with over-the-counter medicines.

Minimally invasive surgery has benefits like less muscle and skin trauma, less, shorter painful recovery, less scarring, and fewer incisions issues like hernias and infections.

If this laparoscopic surgery is performed by the skilled surgeon, then it is an effective and safe treatment for morbidly obese patients. Contact us at to know more about the surgery. 

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

8. February 2013 23:29 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Recovery After Bariatric Surgery

The quickest wayfor obese people to lose their weight is by undergoing the bariatric surgery. Being obese can result in several health risks to a person. This procedure is helpful for people who are obese to attain the balanced weight.

Remember that weight loss surgery is not a complete cure but it is a tool to help them to reduce the excess body weight. By adhering to these follow-up tips, recovering from surgery can be quicker and less complicated.

In home:

You must be comfortable in your home. Remember not to lift or carry anything more than 20 pounds for first 6 weeks. Participate in daily activities. Shower very carefully. If your skin becomes red around staples don't worry, call the doctor if redness becomes severe or if you're experiencing drainage or pain.

Adjust Your Dietary Habits:

Pay close attention to the daily diet as this is very important in the process of recovery. Quantity of your food will be restricted significantly as compared to the normal consumption. During first few weeks after having the surgery you can have only liquids. Once you have slowly started consuming solid foods, you should be aware of the micro and macronutrients.

Change the Exercise Routine:

With the help of your physician's approval gradually start the exercise routine after you have healed adequately. Over time, your own physical fitness routine should develop to approximately 2.30 hours of activity for every week.

Routine Follow-up Visits to Healthcare Provider:

In order to ensure your overall wellbeing in the first critical months following bariatric surgery, ensure to visit your doctor frequently. You should undergo the blood testing for every 3 months to monitor your glucose, blood count, and creatinine levels. In order to find any nutritional deficits, you should undergo the blood testing for every 6 months.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

30. January 2013 16:23 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Side Effects of Weight Loss Drugs

Weight loss drugs have many side effects and sometimes they are very life threatening. There are many chemicals used in preparing the weight loss drugs. Here are some of them and the side effects of those drugs.

·         Fenfluramine: This is used in combination with a drug fen-phen, which causes dangerous heart attacks and lung disorders.

 ·         Sibutramine: this drug causes heart attacks and strokes.

 ·         Many weight loss drugs cause high blood pressure and increase the heart rate.

·         Lipase and alli are some of the drugs, which cause liver injuries, stomachache and loss of appetite.

·         Qsymiaia weight loss medication approved by FDA but it has some risks associated with it. Risk evaluation and mitigation strategy has proved that it causes severe birth defects in pregnant women.

·         Many weight loss drugs also cause constipation, restlessness, dry mouth, insomnia etc.

Many weight loss drugs are generally recommended for a short period of time that is up to 12 weeks. There are some weight loss drugs like orlistat, which can be used for longer period. Most of the people will regain weight after they stop using the weight loss drugs so they should not be used for having a healthy body instead you should lose weight by natural methods. Diet and exercise should be maintained regularly to have strong and healthy body.

There are some weight loss drugs, which are used to reduce appetite. These drugs also have many side effects, such as increased blood pressure, heart rate, nervousness, headache, blurredness and restlessness.  Some even cause chest pain, difficulty in breathing. Some of the general side effects of weight loss drugs are nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation and difficulty in urination.

Prescribed weight loss drugs are approved by FDA but they are also associated with some side effects. Most of the prescribed drugs are appetite suppressants, blockers and fat absorbers.

Side effects associated with amphetamines which are highly addictive and which should beexamined by a doctor are:

  1. Increased blood pressure
  2. Dry mouth
  3. Constipation
  4. Insomnia

Side effects associated with over the counter weight loss drugs are:

  1. headache
  2. diarrhoea
  3. heart irregularities
  4. high blood pressure
  5. stomach irritation
  6. nervousness
  7. stroke
  8. heart attack
  9. addiction 

Over the counter weight loss drugs are highly risky and they should be avoided. There are many drugs used for weight loss, which are not regulated. Many companies make false claims and sell their product, which are highly dangerous.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

22. January 2013 14:49 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Celebrity Diet Secretes

Many people have many doubts regarding celebrity figure and beauty. Generally common people will not have such great figure as celebrities have and they wonder how they have and try for it by many methods.

Maintaining the figure is not a one-day task, it is a long term goal. They concentrate on their eating habits and do lots of exercises daily to reduce the fat. Apart from gym and diet, there are many other things to follow to appear beautiful and to be fit. You do not have to lose weight to look beautiful; you can look as if you lose weight by having proper sleep and having workouts.  Walking also helps to reduce weight and be active. It reduces puffiness of eyes and smoothens the under eyes.

For best results, you can hydrate your body by taking liquids like coconut water and juices. They take liquid food before and after travelling to hydrate the body and keep it shining. Liquids allow the body to relax and prevent it from bloating. Avoid high sodium foods like canned soup, which causes water retention.  Salt should also be avoided as they create bloat.

Here are some more celebrity diet secrets

Ø  Avoid vegetables and food, which produce gas. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage are some of the vegetables which have to be avoided to reduce dreaded ballooning.

Ø  Do not eat chewing gums. Chewing gums will make the body to think that you are eating and produce the chemicals necessary for breaking the food. In the absence of food, these chemicals release acid and cause difficulties in digestion.

Ø  Reduce the intake of carbohydrates as one gram of carbohydrate holds about 4 to 5 grams of water. Eat food, which has fewer carbohydrates.

Ø  Adapt to foods, which have diuretic properties. They help in getting rid of excess water. Some of these foods are asparagus and beetroots.

Ø  Some people do not have digesting capacity sometimes, so they need to cut down the intake of chicken and read meat at this time. Some fish and seafood are digested very easily so you can take those foods.

Ø  Reduce foods, which have concentrated amounts of additives as they cause bloating.

At the end of the day, you should see to it that you take right amount of vitamins and calories to maintain a good look. Most of the celebrities will be very conscious on the diet they have so they maintain a beautiful body. 

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

16. January 2013 10:20 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery for Diabetic Renal and Retinal Disease

Obese people have a higher risk of developing diabetes compared to a healthy body weight people. People who have central obesity, abdominal obesity and belly fat are at risk of developing diabetes. Obesity with diabetes is serious chronic diseases related to complex metabolic dysfunctions that increase the risk of mortality and morbidity. Approximately 75% of deaths each year are mainly associated with obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, which are preventable with better treatment. Surgery should be an accepted solution in people who have diabetes and with a BMI of 35 to 40. Many weight loss methods are focused on reducing the amount of fat in the body.

There is apparent evidence that Bariatric surgery is a very useful treatment for obese people with diabetes. Bariatric surgery will improve micro vascular complications in diabetes patients and protect against blindness and renal problem.Bariatric surgery must be performed within approved national and international guidelines. This needs appropriate assessment for the procedure, medical care, follow-up, patient training, clinical review and also safe and effective surgical procedures. By reducing excess pounds will also reduce the risk of heart attack, kidney failure and retinal damage, along with other health benefits related to diabetes.  

After Bariatric surgery,about 68% of patients experience a complete remission of their diabeteswhilein some patients, diabetes will disappear immediately or within days of surgery.There are some potential benefits of bariatric surgery for diabetes such as,

·         Helps patients with diabetes normalize their blood sugar level without using diabetes medications.

·         Improves lipid profile.

·         Reduces the micro vascular problems of diabetes like renal and retinal disease.

·         Improves the insulin sensitivity and glucose level.

·         Decreases retinal related problems.

·         Improves renal function and also decreases further renal complications.

·         Lessens the need for antihypertensive medication.

·         Decreases morbidity and mortality.

·         Improves the quality of life.

Please Visit Bariatric Surgery California and Weight Loss Surgery California

11. January 2013 12:29 by bariactric | Comments (0) | Permalink

About Bariatric Care Center

The Bariatric Care Center is dedicated to the holistic approach to morbid obesity. We believe that surgery is only a small fraction of the whole process of losing weight and a powerful tool when used appropriately. In order to achieve that, our team includes a specialized panel in Psychiatry, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

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